Weaver Star



7 months, 5 days ago


Weaver Star

Describe area here. This section will scroll. Suggestions on what to mention: size (how large the area/ population is), climate (what the weather is typically like), what it's known for (ex. magical industry, sanctuary for discriminated groups, where important character was born, etc.)

Suspendisse a lorem magna. Suspendisse sed rutrum tellus. Nulla in risus bibendum, interdum diam eget, aliquam leo. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque rhoncus risus sagittis nisi tincidunt blandit.


The Capital

Briefly describe notable place here. Something short and concise should suffice, but if you want to put more details, go ahead. Nullam quis magna pretium purus ornare varius. Aliquam erat volutpat.


The Towns

While nowhere near as wealthy and well guarded as the capital; Most of the towns follow its beliefs that those who cannot contribute should be forced out into the wilds.


The Wilds

Those who have been pushed out of society live in the wilds; Most here aren't bad people, and simply do what they have to to survive, but quite a few fugitives and villains make their homes here as well. many poisonous plants make it hard to find food, and most of the wildlife is hostile.

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Code by Aurorean