
3 months, 17 days ago


| Lyon | - - - -

setting up

.:S O T A:.

”Just because I’m small don’t mean I’m not strong.”

alias » Sou
gender » brute
Age » 17 (goes by human age ranges.)
bloodline » Shapeshifter (human and wolf.)
orientation » Unknown
infatuation » —
partnership » none now (Lyon in the future)


Loner ; short tempered ; Flirty ; wanting family like attention

Sota is around average height and has a slim build. Though he is strong and can hold his own well in a fight, his build under clothes is surprisingly well built to those who only see him normally. He often runs and works out, making him have a good build. He has been taking part in martial art class during the summer. His very light brown, golden like eyes are striking and sharp. His black hair is unkempt at times, and easily gets bedhead. As a wolf he is very dark greats and blacks almost all year round. His golden eyes very obvious and striking in this form as well. He is built strongly and lean.

Sota often likes keeping to himself and likes to be alone. Though when someone picks a fight with him, or makes fun of his height, Sota is quick to fight back. His strength despite his size is what makes allot of people attracted to him. Not just that though, as his loner personality makes him quite mysterious and those that get close to him find him to be quite flirty and assertive. He is a huge playboy as he goes through people quickly, and often dates multiple people at once no mater the gender. Sota has been exploring his sexuality, but the main reason he is seen as a playboy from having multiple relationships, is because he just wants a family or lover bond. With his harsh past he has never really experienced family love and has a great longing for it.


Fear ; Hate ; Distrust
Was born as a normal human to a normal family, however at one point in middle school he was in an accident which awakened the shifter inside of him. He has a great fear of shifters, and his parents aditude towards them dose not help at all. Sota ends up getting a huge trauma of water as he almost drowned several times after changing into a shifter. His parents are the ones who tried to drown him, but having shifted every time he managed to survive. Now that he is a high school third year he was able to move out of his house and lives on his own. He has no control over his ability to shift, and has a severe fears as well as distrust towards others.


no crush ; Unknown ; single

He dates multiple people at the same time and will go out with anyone who confesses to him no mater his relationship status.