


3 months, 27 days ago


named // Murmuro rezix

aged // 21

gender // male

sexuality // homosexual

breed // A singular shapeshifter only able to shift into his specific animal form. 

Height, weight, build //5’6” / unsure / looks average with clothes on though is rather muscular and thin.

occupation // In Training Animal-breeder (has permits to keep more zoo-like animals as well as able to help out zoos)

partner // none

love interest // none


Murmuro is around Average height and is slightly tanned. He has bright golden-brown eyes and a slight beard that has a soft feeling to it. He has very soft short light brown hair and a rather thin yet well-built muscular body. Slightly broad shoulders and slightly longer legs compared to his torso. His jawline is strong and chiseled though his soft-looking eyes make him look less intimidating then he might appear to be to some

Murmuro is rather Quiet and likes to observe things more than taking action. Though if a situation calls for him to help out he will, that is if he doesn’t end up overthinking things. He often washes his hands and likes to keep clean though doesn’t mind getting dirty for his job. He loves working with the animals and is glad that he can keep more zoo-like animals to care for them. Murmuro is rather level headed and calm as to not spook the animals. Though when he was younger he was rather jumpy and that sometimes acts up again, mainly around people and in crowds. Murmuro likes quiet moments with those close to him. Rather than talking excitedly about random things, Murmuro values the smaller moments where they show how they care rather than say it. Small gestures really catch his attention as he is very observant and has learned to read body language and facial expressions really well. As a child, Murmuro was thought to almost be mute for how rarely he spoke and ended up making random noises when startled or scared. Though he does talk more often now it’s hard to get him extremely talkative, as few things can trigger him into it. Murmuro is rather fit despite not really doing workouts to build up his muscles. This is due to his job which needs a lot of stamina and strength depending on the animal(s) he is dealing with at the time. And over the 2 years of training, he has gotten a good pack of muscles.