


3 months, 27 days ago


Click for a bit of world info and “Observation Notes”

Name:: Rexurice [Reh-Zoo-Ree-sce (kinda like the ending of ice when spoken)]
Age:: 20 years old
Gender:: Male [Breeder]
Species:: Humanimal
Sexuality:: Far more attracted to Male. Though might take on a female.
Interests:: None yet.
Partner:: None.
Offspring:: None.

Feral/Animal:: In his main story his Animal form is a cat with very long fur and deep green eyes. He has a slightly long tail and slightly taller ears than others. His fur has brown and cream colors with several shades mix in.

“Human”:: He doesn’t have human hands or feet and they are paws. Though his arms are much more human like in anatomy than his legs.
His legs are like digi-grade legs of a fur-suit. He stands on his arms and legs with his tail, a scarf like thing around his neck, with a very human like face. He has dark green eyes. And his hair color is a mix between his feral fur colors. His scarf like thing, holds both of his feral fur colors on it as it’s actually fur left over form his transformation. Tail and ears are same as feral.

Human (when he is older):: He will pretty much be a normal human or look like a Demi-human as he would still have his ears and tail for a while, but is at least now able to speak human language and write in this form. Similar to his younger form, scarf like thing is gone and if he still has his ears and tail he will have the same colors as stated above.

— •A bit of hidden species info
— •Character Background/History

General Traits
Curious•||•Playful•||•Friendly•||•Openminded•||•Unaware of things•||•Quiet•||•Observational of other things
Overall personality
He is very curious about others and things around him. He often observes others and explores his surroundings (generally late into the night). He is extremely openminded about things and is extremely friendly when approaching others. Though he cannot speak to humans or other races even when in human form, he really likes hanging out around them. Rexurice does know about his species situation for those around his age, though he doesn’t care much and often wanders around the outskirts of other races settlements in his human form causing him to be the center of attention by those around him. Rexurice often enjoys playing with animals and children. Though he cannot speak, even if he could he probably wouldn’t speak much just because he loves listening to others and learning new thing. Or helping them in anyway he can. Despite not being able to speak or write for that matter, Rexurice is able to understand spoken words and he is also able to read very well. Rexurice is however unaware of how other look at him and is unaware that what he is doing might put his species/race in danger. As Humanimals have their own reasons for staying hidden till they can speak human language and is almost completely human.
Likes and Dislikes
He likes observing people and other things. He also loves exploring new places and learning different and new things. He likes playing around and hanging out with children and animals. He likes wandering. (More might be added)

He dislikes having to be careful of where he shows himself [tends to avoid listening to that] He dislikes being chased if it’s not for a game or playfully. He dislikes being in noisy areas due to it hurting his ears, though he is curious about those areas. (More might he added)

Extra Chara Info
Input info here if needed