


3 months, 20 days ago


Raziel | Trans-Tom | He/Him | Hidden Colony Seer

Raziel has long, shaggy black fur with red tortoiseshell markings, mimicing that of stained glass windows. He has mackerel tabby stripes, but only on the red patches, though his black fur is notably rusted on his back. He has karpati, giving him a pale face, paws, tail and ears. Speaking of his ears, they're quite large, and his tail is long with thinner fur. He has one yellow eye and one orange one, with purple sage leaves worn.

Raziel is a mysterious tom, quiet and contemplative, he doesn’t seem to react to much that happens even if it’s right in front of him or targeted at him. Most you’ll get is a soft glance before he walks away. He doesn’t really speak much at all, though he does know a type of Sign Language from very far away, and he was able to learn HSL moderately quickly. Even with this, he doesn’t really talk to the others much. He works hard, completing his duties every single day. He is actually a pretty good healer, and will offer his services to those who need it. Though, usually, he seems most open to those experiencing grief, loss, pain or turmoil. Raziel is a religious tom, though it’s not something you’ll pry out of him easily. He follows the beliefs of the Givers, something from his old home far away. The rare time you’ll hear him speak is when he’s trying to commune with the Givers, which he is confident he can do. He believes he is a cat born of the Givers, brought down to heal those whose souls have been torn by the Corrupted. He used to wander around aimlessly, giving silent guidance to those who needed it, though after the landslide in Hidden, he decided he’d stay there for a while. Raziel can be a bit too devoted to his beliefs at times, they come first in his eyes thus will usually be the only cause of him neglecting his duties or relationships. If he doesn’t believe a cat will recover from something, even if they will, he is alright with leaving them in the hands of fate rather than intervening. When speaking to someone living, or not in the process of passing, he can also be pretty blunt when he speaks. “I tried my best.” Doesn’t usually work in his eyes.

His parents are Ghost and Mystery, his brother is Jophiel