
3 months, 16 days ago



Full Name: Anzu

Name Meanings:

Anzu, an eagle-lion deity from Sumerian mythology and associated with southern winds

Nicknames: Annie, Zuzu

Gender: Genderfluid (He/She/They)

Age: Adult

Species: Quetzalcoatl (Red-Gold Feathered)

Sexuality: Pansexual Panromantic


Elements: Jungle & Storm

  1. Sihuehuet (Jungle)


In his natural dragon form - his feathers take on the common pattern of a crested serpent-eagle with them having a very fluffy crest. His feathers are darker than the pale browns of the eagle, being more of a dark ruddy-brown with creamish spots. Their even darker under feathers are black, along with the feathers on their crest. Her tail feathers, on the other hand, end with a more cream color that follows the spots she adorns. Her speculum feathers are mainly red but they start to fade into gold near the very end, signalling their strong usage of red magic and weak strength in gold magic. His non-feathered legs and talon are a dark gold and their beak is a paler red-brown. Her eyes are bright orange and speckled with green.

When he goes into his more humanoid form, he stands at a staggering 6'9". Her wings are extremely large and has a long, fluffy feathery tail that follows after her. She has tanned skin and keep her bright orange eyes that stand out from the rest of her. Their hair is dark brown ending with black tips, falling below their shoulders, and is wavy. Often they keep it loose but occasionally they'll tie it up into a simple braid or ponytail. He has a bit of a scruff on his face and likes donning his eyes with black or gold eyeliner.



