


4 months, 2 days ago


Name: Dr. Sasha Tierdoor

Age: 28

Height: 6'1" 1/6

Kingdom: Unova

Pokemon: Mothim

Type(s): Bug/Flying

Ability: Tinted Lens

Nature: Serious

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him





Air Slash

Occupation: Surgeon/Move Deleter


He's dominant without needing to yell. A simple look over his glasses and a calm sentence will get any point he has across. He is not easily shocked, so feel free to come to him for any medical emergencies without a questioning look.

He does show a manner of pride in dealing with (and successfully healing) extremely unique cases, but otherwise can come off a bit sterile which often unnerves his patients.

Items: 1 Lum Berry 


His beginning was a struggle.

There wasn't much to go around back then. The war was raging, which meant that rations that used to be given to those without were sent off to soldiers. Back then, imported fruits became hard to come by. He remembered waiting by the docks with his mother, trash cloak wrapped around them both and woven baskets empty… waiting for if a ship would come by…

As he grew older, he joined the war effort. He ended up in the med tents, using old world healing methods to aid Unovan warriors. He put ground cayenne in their wounds instead of wasting sutures and bandages. Sasha quickly made a name for himself. 

He never forgot to send half his rations home to his parents to keep them going.

Unfortunately, when the war ended and he returned, they'd both been murdered by starving thieves. 

Life is a cruel thing. It carves you out until whatever is left is all that can withstand the pain…

These days, Sasha is a practicing doctor and surgeon. He is known as the only surgeon that still successfully performs Move Deletion. Most of his clients come for other things these days, but they keep coming back because he always produces results.


Parents- Wormadam Mom, Mothim Dad

Voice Actor- Travis Willingham (Roy Mustang, Ginko, Johnny Ariga)

Has terrible bedside manner.

Will clear his schedule for someone with an interesting ailment.

His wings are like a 2nd skin against his back. They're currently too weak for him to use.

Partner: WIP 

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