


4 months, 3 days ago


Name: Nergüi 

Age: 32 probably??

Height: 5'9"

Kingdom: Johto

Pokemon: Poochyena

Type(s): Dark

Ability: Quick Feet

Nature: Hardy

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/Her


Play Rough

Poison Fang


Sleep Talk


Mount Tamer and Ranger


Stoic | Capable | Resourceful | Reclusive | Quiet | Superstitious 

The strong silent type. It's been a while since she's been around another person. She's nice enough, but might need some patience if you're bringing her into big city or group settings.


Current Mounts/Pets:

Bouffalant(land)- Strength

Talonflame(air)- Fly

Mudbray(land)- Rock Smash 

Mareep(land)- Flash

Mareep (casual)

Skiddo x2 (pets)


Nergüi was left all alone in her claim to land in Johto at the age of 10. It was an unspeakable thing that took her small tribe from her. A cursed and vile act. Most would have moved away afterwards, but she stayed. 

She found that Johto itself came to fill in the loss she was burdened with. The Wilds took her in and were her guardians until she became theirs. The grasslands grew back and covered the tainted soil with hearty plants. Healed. 

For 15 years after the incident she kept to herself, and only took what Johto provided. What couldn't be used was given back. What could be, was used with gratefulness. When it rains… sometimes she swears she's felt as if Suicune were there in the distance. Watching. Checking that she's still alive.

One year she waited on mount during each rainfall until she saw it again, and went chasing after it only to be led into the nearest village with no Suicune in sight. The people there praised her way with her mount for it was not saddled and needed no verbal commands or whipping. She explained that none in her pastures need such a thing. So the people began to bargain trade for her tamed mounts, or ask her to train their own. She only gave a mount to a human mon if she felt they bonded well. She never allowed any human mon from the populated village to follow her to her herd either, for fear they may take her wild mounts by force.

Two years ago, after yet another rainy sighting, Nergui came upon a carved bow and empty quiver beside the hearth of her camp. She had never used such tools before, but felt like Johto had again provided for her. She began to practice, and with good timing. It would seem the nearby wolf tribe had grown and begun to encroach on her area. 

She has no need to kill wolves, so long as they stay away from her tamed mounts…


-Mother and Father were both Mightyena (deceased)
-Mounts are all different kinds of wild mon that seem to be just fine coexisting as long as they’re within her scented territory.
-Never trades or tames for coin.
-Is not afraid to rescue your mount away from you if needed.

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