Elvi Berg



4 months, 2 days ago


Name: Elvi Berg

Age: 20

Height: 5' 4"

Kingdom: Hoenn

Pokemon: Swinub

Type(s): Ice/Ground

Ability: Oblivious 

Nature: Bashful

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/Her



Mud Shot

Icicle Crash

Stealth Rock

Occupation: Adventurer

Personality: Responsible | Daydreamer | Capable | Overachiever | Adaptable | Tomboy | Daddy’s girl

Elvi is a hard worker with a good head on her shoulders, when she’s not daydreaming. The idea of letting everybody down is terrifying enough to keep her in place, but it is also the fuel to her bravery when it’s needed. She’ll jump the cliff gap, she’ll fend off the threats, she’ll tow the ice blocks for half a mile… but every new feat she achieves just makes her dream that she could be greater than all of this one day.


1 Lum Berry 

Pick-Axe (fire axe style)


The war splintered their region apart. Her father had been part of the rebellion, but became severely injured before the real uprising came with the iron jarl. He missed out on the opportunity to claim victory and spoils and for some reason that made him feel ashamed and scornful.
He settled himself and his wife in isolation deep in the mountains while the war raged on. Daily they dealt with glalie pests freezing what would be useful game or ruining their traveling paths. Together they had two children. Elvi first, then her brother four years later. He was born with a twisted leg, but he still finds ways to get around and be helpful.

Elvi also helps a good deal with the homestead. She breaks up and gathers the ice. She boils it down to use for drinking, cooking, or washing clothes. The entire family has tasks that must be done each day to keep them alive and comfortable.
However, deep down, Elvi wished every day that she could find a reason to leave. The war's been over for five years now. Her heart yearns for adventure…

-Mother is a Bearatic, Father is a Mamoswine, Brother is a cubchoo
-Has no idea how to flirt