Dawa Pawo



7 months, 10 days ago


Name: Dawa Pawo ((Wylie))

Age: 20?

Height: 5' 5"

Kingdom: Johto

Pokemon: Rockruff

Type(s): Rock

Ability: Vital Spirit

Nature: Careful

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/Her





Thunder Fang

Occupation: Scout wolf

Personality: Open | Vulnerable | Loyal | Watchful | Lonely | Stingy

Dawa appreciates help and is willing to give her all to repay that help. This is because she doesn't want to feel like she owes anyone. She is open and willing to be honest and vulnerable around those who care about her, but that doesn't mean she fully trusts anyone yet.

Items: 2 Lum Berries


Dawa was twelve when she woke up alone. There was a fog all around her, and for a panicked second she thought the steppes had caught on fire. That wasn't the case, even though she was coughing as if it were. Wearily, she came to her feet and looked for her pack. 

Hers was a small family. A mother and father and their four children. They followed the grazing paths of large herds and picked off the weak ones that dragged behind. Lately, though, it was Dawa who dragged behind. For two years she had been ill and wouldn't recover. This spring she had become even worse, only able to travel short distances.

This time she searched for her pack for miles, finally catching up to them on the path of traveling mudbray. When she found them, her pack did not seem happy to see her. Her own mother chased her away. Her sickness was too dire. They couldn't watch her and they didn't want her making her other siblings sick. 

Dawa was left alone once more.

She wandered in anguish for a time until she found a small river and collapsed as she bent to take a drink. When she came to, she felt warm. That thought of fire returning, with no flames in sight. Instead, the bushes around her looked bountiful with berries. She ate until she was full, and fell asleep once more.

Five years passed since that day and Dawa had recovered. She remained a lone wolf, however, never seeking out her family again. Eventually instead she was found by someone new…


-Beren found her before Daichin and his pack did.

-Was omega in the pack before showing great skill as a scout and becoming a delta

-Her mask was made by her real mother to keep her sickness from spreading. She still wears it…