Quetz 009



3 months, 27 days ago


Adoptable for sale


Sale Methods

Money value: sold

Offer to Adopt Methods

Accepted offers: Artwork - Designs - Customs - Others

Artwork offers:

Design offers:

Custom offers:

Other offers:

Do not offer:

Design Details

Designer: Bonzai/WolfenWares

Species: Quetzatrice

Pieces of art:

Other info:

Other Pieces of Art

Adoptable rules

  1. designs are for Non-Commercial use only!
  2. Please give me credit for the original design when you first upload, any other work featuring your
       adoptable after that is fine without but please don't claim the design as your own!
  3. My designs are not allowed to be used for AI "art" generating purposes, as the original artist and designer,
       I do not consent for my art to be used for AI learning.
  4. None of my designs are allowed to be used as NFTs or participate in the NFT market
  5. Reselling is allowed for the price paid + additional art [art you made is acceptable]
  6.  Please make sure new owners are aware of the rules regarding the design and credits are carried over
Terms of Service

Contact me

Please contact me here if you're interested in buying or have any other questions related to this adoptable: