
5 years, 9 months ago


She is one of my many over the garden wall Oc's she has a crush on someone named Willow but Willow likes someone else she's really peppy and happy most of the time. she has like plant/garden power I guess you would say nature powers? Anyways before she ever met Wirt, Greg, and Willow she lived in a small town. The kind of town were everyone knows everyone. This was the town were she grew up until about 5 the reason she ran away from the town was because she kept killing people. not on purpose of course but she couldn't control her powers so she kept impaling people  with branches and other plants. Her parents loved her and knew she didn't do it on purpose so they tried to keep her indoors but that didn't help. once she acsedently killed her parents and her uncle the town ganged up on her chasing her out of town. Now this didn't help her because when she was under stress or had anxiety she could control it less so she accidentally killed one of the villagers as she was running from them all. She wondered in the forest until somebody in the next town over found her and gave her a place to live. When she told them about her powers they brushed it off thinking she was just a little kid making stuff up. And they thought this until she finally showed them. At first they were amazed at her powers. getting her to help them with their crops and help heal plants that were sick or dying. Now this time around she was able to keep her powers under control with only a few random bursts that didn't hurt anyone. she was happy in this town and tried to forget about her past town and her parents. she did a pretty good job until she had a nightmare about the villagers attacking her and in her sleep she killed the daughter of the couple she was living with. When they woke in the morning and saw there child dead with a sharp tree branch they knew it had been Pip. They yelled at her saying things like "YOU WERE JEALOUS OF HER WEREN'T YOU!" and other things like "WE HATE YOU GO BURN IN HELL" So she ran out of the house crying. She left that town. she was 9 at the time. She wondered in the forest until she found another town. this time she was determined not to make any relationships with anyone. She got a job to get basic things like pots and pan's, needles and tread, fabric and buttons, and other things like that. But along the way she made a friend and that blossomed into her love interest. He worked at the same place she worked his name was Adam. He had dark brown hair, freckles, and a nice smile. He was an orphan like her. So they both cared for each other. He knew about her past because she eventually told him everything. He didn't seem surprised though. It was almost like he already knew. In fact he did He had lived at the first she had lived in. Actually the reason he was an Orphan was because of her. He knew it wasn't her fault though. And he said "I know you didn't mean to I saw you crying after you had done it. I never was mad at you in the first place."She cried a bit and hugged him. soon Adam got sick and she cared for him until he died at the age of 14. When this happened she was so sad she quit her job and packed her stuff and walked in the forest until she found a clearing in the forest. She made her home there making sure no one was around. for 2 years she lived in complete solitude until Greg stumbled down into her garden she gave him some food and helped him find his brother Wirt. In desperation for human interaction she asked if she could join them. they were still looking for willow who had gotten separated from them the same time Greg got lost. When she saw Willow she liked her almost instantly the only problem was she liked someone else. She decided not to say anything about her crush and they journeyed along.