


4 months, 1 day ago


“Oh yeah? And you’re the smart one in this scenario, right?”
Name Sinbad

Former Names White'paw

Gender She-cat (She/her)

Orientation Lesbian

Kits/Kin Willowdusk & Smokefoot

Rank Loner

Residence Carrionplace

Theme VIEW


Sinbad is a unsually large mainecoon cat, with a jet black pelt like a bat and a spiral of white swirls all throughout sinbads fur. though her beautiful coat does have a few mats, atleast one or two with a few leaves in it. she also does have no fur on her right side due to being mauled in that spot, her ear is also a little torn due to the same attack. her eyes are a beautiful bright yellow though unfortunately she is blind in one eye.

sinbad also has a chipped fang on the left side of her face, she got it trying to fight off a cat and bit down a little to hard and somehow chipped her tooth.

Design notes
  • Chipped tooth on the left side
  • Pink/Red parts of her face are hairless
  • obtained this scar through being mauled by another cat.
  • view for a closer look on the texture/look on her mauled side! (closer look here)
  • ear is also hairless, with a few tears in it.
  • sometimes has matted fur

Sinbads personality really depends on how well you know her, but if your extremely close with her, for example her friend acidwisp, she has absolutely NO filter in what she says. if your her romantic partner she would filter a few things. if you were a complete stranger she would be the rudest person youll ever meet, she doesnt like meeting new people.

The whole reason she hates meeting new people is because when her twolegs threw her out onto the territory unkowingly, she was immdiately attacked by another cat and got mauled. and she also just doesnt like interacting with new people. though if you are an apprentice/kit , she tends to have a motherly personality.

  • The smell of berries
  • Flowers
  • Cluttered spaces
  • The taste of berries
  • The smell of blood
  • Hot tempatures


Herb Knowledge

Faith in StarClan

Sinbad was born a kittypet, her twolegs wanted to sell her along with her siblings, but nobody wanted to buy sinbad. so her twolegs decided to throw her into the forest, a strange russian blue cat had found her. as soon as Sinbad got up , the blue cat scratched at her eye, leaving a mark. the cat then continued to maul the side of sinbads face, taking huge patches of fur off. the blue cat tried to take out an eye but only managed to leave a scar and maul her. the cat then chased her into the carrion place.

Sinbad had stayed the night in the carrion, cold and hungry. she woke up, to see a strange cat... it was her mother's friend, Blaze! Blaze lifted his paw toward her eye, Sinbad thought he was going to help but... SLASH! her eye was blind! she screamed and screamed. til.. she was knocked out by blaze. she woke up in the medicine den of shadowclan. Bonewish was the clans medicine cat. she cared for sinbad until her eye had healed. with the leader of the clan , pebblestar occasionally visiting, creating a huge bond between the two.

Soon, sinbads wounds were healed, and decided to stay with shadowclan due to the comfort and help they brought her. Pebblestar had given her the name Whitepaw, as she was of age to be an apprentice and wanted to stay with the clan. but about 10 moons later, after their leader pebblestar has passed away sinbad decided thats when it was best to leave. she had annunced to her clanmates she would be leaving the clan, and said her goodbyes the very same day. taking back her kittypet name, sinbad.


  • Prefix — When sinbad was named whitepaw, she was given the prefix "white" because of her beautiful spirals on her fur, and how it stood out on her. s
  • Sinbad was originally born a kittypet, with 4 siblings.
  • Before sinbad decided she was lesbian, she was in two relationships with toms, in one of them she had two kits, Willowkit and Smokekit!
  • After sinbad had her kits, she decided to leave them with shadowclan so they wouldnt have to deal with the struggles of a loner life.


"My firstborn daughter, i love her dearly. upsetting we arent able to see eachother much"

"I respect her warriorly duties of course, but i want to see her more, we only see eachother once a week, i miss her."


"My second daughter, i dont know what she has against me but she doesnt want anything to do with me. if its about me leaving her in shadowclan she doesnt understand what i was going through at the time and i had no choice, i had already done the same with Smokefoot!"

Best friends

"Acidwisp, my 'son', well i see him that way atleast. ive known him since he was an apprentice, and hes known me since i ran away. weve grown a strong bond the both of us, we practically learned everything from eachother. i dont see us living a day, or even hours without eachother.."


"My ol' friend, known him since i was a kittypet, he would come around occaisionally. he now runs an assasin group called 'nightshades'- i visit the group sometimes to help out. thats how acid met his boyfriend pff-"

code by jiko