


7 months, 10 days ago



Name Alloy
Age 8
Pronouns They/them
Species IPC

HTML by madu37


Alloy is a combination of Mireille, GHOST [Galactic Harvester of Oxidised Spacebound Terradata], Chika, Jack, Wil, and Hédi.


Mireille, GHOST, Chika, Jack, Wil and Hédi worked independently on the NSS Cyberiad under the employment of Nanotrasen, as an assistant, a botanist, a miner, a surgeon, another botanist, and a scientist. The only two of the group who knew each other before the incident were Mireille and Wil, who were friends.

On a shift in which all of these individuals were at work, a Rogue AI event occurred, in which the station’s AI malfunctioned and attempted to take hostile control. Mireille, GHOST, Chika, Jack, Wil and Hédi were forcibly kidnapped and restrained by the AI’s loyal cyborg minions, and crowded in front of a machine called a ‘borging machine’- a ruthless invention which would rip out the brain of whoever went through it and place it into a fresh borg shell, newly lawed to follow the malfunctioning AI.

However, the borging machine malfunctioned, and forced all 6 bodies through at once, extracting their brains in rapid succession and forcing them into a single cyborg body. Shortly thereafter, the rogue AI was deactivated, and the surviving crewmen of the station set about disassembling the borgs which had once been their fellow workers.

Alongside any other still-functioning cyborg brains, the 6-brain amalgamation was placed inside a robotic body, unlawed and free to serve its own purpose. However, it remained unresponsive for several days. When almost a week had passed, Mireille was the first to ‘wake up’- and, despite their panic and despair over their new condition, they were able to answer questions about their identity; thus, corporate documentation recorded the body as belonging to them.

Jack was the second to ‘awaken’, barely hours later, followed by Wil, who quickly withdrew and was not available for questioning for several further days. GHOST awoke sometime between Wil’s first and second awakenings, and Hédi’s timeframe on waking up was uncertain- according to other users of the Alloy body, they just popped up at some point as if they’d always been there. Chika never seemed to wake up, not truly; their conscience, when it dared appear, was a mess of emotional and verbal static mixed with nothing more than an unhealthy dose of primal fear and anger.

Alloy, beyond their creation, was essentially a NanoTrasen asset, and saddled with the debt of paying off the robotic body they’d been given. With no other choice, they set to work on the NSS Cyberiad. It took them, understandably, some time to adjust to their new reality- each of them had lost their lives as they knew, and all of them, save for Mireille, were legally declared dead. It didn’t take long for them to declare Mireille their de facto ‘leader’- after all, that was the body’s identity on paper.