Pending too luk_413's Comments

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They are pending!! If the person who offered though isn't interested in them anymore at some point I'll let U know :> 

could i offer art ?? :o

Yes but please be specific on how much!

a fully shaded icon ??

I can offer an icon plus two memey doodles or two shaded Busts!

I'll accept this for the busts!!! DM me on discord whenever :)

Psps just asking if your still interested or if I should open up the adopt again! Since it's been a while I wouldn't blame ya if Ur not interested anymore lmfaoo

I am!! Just busy with school qwq exams are coming up and im in art block so art has been slow!

Nws!! Take Ur time ofc! I hope I didn't come off as punchy😭😭 just wanted to make sure ur still interested!

No worries!! :D

I can offer a shaded fullbody