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Wow!! Thank you very much for taking the slot! I'll tag you 

o(≧▽≦)o  I'll send you a note now!

And I can also write to you on DA since I check notifications there much more often  ♡ ♡

1. Camille

2.  Plush taiyaki
3. Same calm smile as in her ref images

4.  Same as her refs

Wow thank you so much for taking the slot! You can pay it here on DA  YCH toy (1 slot)


Let me know if you want to see a Wip sketch before I finish ♡♡

Payment has been sent, thank you so much! I'd love to see a wip sketch when you get to it ^w^

Thank you very much for taking my slot! UwU This may take from 1 to 10 days 
