


4 months, 12 days ago



  • Manfriede Byron (nee Vala) is the Medical Director of Herta's Space Station. She is the proponent of highly advanced medical technologies available to the staff, from internal cybernetic enhancements to cellular nanomachines to full on regeneration technology. Her work has highly benefitted the Space Station for the past 50 years she has been there. She also doubles as the personal physician of Asta and Arlan, more often than not simply ensuring their health rather than making them go through invasive procedures. Although she is 70 years old, she still looks like she is in her 30s. This is not to say that she is a long life species, but rather used her technology with herself as a test subject for the effectiveness of it. Currently, she undergoes rapid cell regeneration due to her age nearing 100, the average for people on her planet.

    Her background is very illustrious as well, as she is a noble from the planet Ilerius Nox. She is a descendant of Gretchen Vala, one of the two greatest geniuses in Ilerian History. Manfriede herself is lauded by her family and her planet to be the next greatest mind that the Vala family has. As early as 18 years old, Manfriede already had numerous accolades in medical technology and her patented technology has become the new golden standard for Ilerian medical service technology. From as early as 20 years old, she was personally invited by Herta to become a medical technician in her Space Station.

    Manfriede does not see herself as a genius like her ancestor, even if she created new standards in medical and biotechnology. She is said to be "too humble for her own good" and that is the only reason she has not achieved even greater heights. Her disbelief in her innate talents hinder her from dreaming big. Ever since she was young, she didn't believe she would become the next "Lady Gretchen", so she settled for a field that would help people and found fulfillment in providing accessible help for others.

    Due to her fame, she was invited to Penacony so that the ruling powers of the planet could ask for her patents and be able to have better medical technology available on the planet. In the aftermath of the events in Penacony, she did not return to the Space Station, and instead returned home to Ilerius Nox where she simply became a hospital director, lost in herself with no real dreams.

    After the Astral Express saves Ilerius Nox from a Stellaron Crisis, Manfriede is personally invited to become a member of the Astral Express, if her motivation to keep on going is to help others. Maybe down the line, she can finally develop proper dreams and a semblance of self respect.

    • 20?cb=20220610121124 Quantum
    • 20?cb=20230508230528 Abundance
    • 44?cb=20230529024044
    • World: Ilerius Nox
    • Real Name: Manfriede Byron nee Vala
    • Factions:
      • Herta Space Station (On Profile)
      • Ilerian Sage Collective (Current)
    • How To Obtain: Spirit of Solitude
    • Title: TBA
    • Light Cone: A Splinter In Her Soul


  • TBA
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    • TBA
    • TBA
      • TBA
      • TBA
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  • TBA
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  • Manfriede's kit is as follows:
    • DPS Healer — Heal by DMG% — DMG by HP + ATK
    • Weapon: Engine Blade

      • Basic Attack: NAME
        • [Single Target] Deals [TYPE] DMG equal to 100% of [NAME]'s ATK to a single enemy.

      • Skill: NAME
        • [TBA] TBA
          • NAME: TBA

      • Ultimate: NAME
        • TBA

      • Talent: NAME
        • TBA
          • Bonus Effect:
            • NAME
              • TBA
            • NAME
              • TBA

      • Technique: NAME
        • [ TBA ] TBA