


3 months, 29 days ago


Michael Smith (Mick) is the definition of "American trash". He grew up on an alternate Earth where people can have mutations that give them superhuman abilities, however these abilities are widely frowned upon and in some areas, you can be detained for possessing these powers. Mick's mother had the superhuman ability of telekinesis and was detained when he was around 10 yrs old, and his younger sister Anne was 7yrs. His father, James, was your typical abusive father who became an serious alcoholic after his wife's death. James couldn't hold a job, and a year after his wife died he got caught up in the bank robbing "industry". At this time, anyone who wasn't detained by the authorities for having powers was pretty much using their abilities for crime. James was on a crew with a few men who had abilities but was overall distrustful and biased against them. When Mick turned 13, James decided to "toughen" him up by teaching him how to shoot and how to eventually rob banks with his old man. He got so good at it in fact, that by 14 his father was taking him on heists to be a lookout. This is obviously NOT a great place for a already fragile-minded 14-year-old to be and it manifested fast. By the third or fourth heist he was taken on, Mick was back-talking his father and becoming more violent with everyone involved, (shooting hostages and engaging officers). His powers (telekinesis with a preference to using metal) manifested during that 4th heist and he used his ability to riddle a civilian full of bullets and then turn to shoot his father in the leg. Horrified, his father dragged both Anne and Mick off to the A.S.O. (Anti-Superhuman Organization) to turn in both of his children. Mick tried to take control of one of the ASO officers' guns and shoot his father in the head, but in his rage he accidentally crushed the entire hallway they were all in and killed his two remaining family members. The ASO, unbeknownst to the general public, actually experiments on "inhumans" and often sells them to the highest bidder as bodyguards, assassins, or super soldiers. As they're dragging Mick away from the rubble, Mick finally does gain control of a gun and shoots himself directly in the forehead. He wakes up on the planet of Korr on his second life, and is immediately detained by the ASO who proceed to mold him into the ideal super soldier. He escapes during a mass confusion at the organization after 4 and a half years and finds himself wandering until he meets Diego who takes him to Ebek.