✨ Ashe



5 years, 9 months ago


Teen, Female

Calling Ashe chaotic would be the understatement of the decade. She tends to bounce between the epitome of chill and the incarnation of hype, usually at the surrounding people's expenses, and lives for getting into fights. Ashe has a short temper and is very easy to enrage if you pick your targets well, but she's smarter in her rage than you'd expect her to be, remaining perceptive and aware of the big picture and acting accordingly. She doesn’t have many friends, but the few she has, she would die for, and they know it. Depending on what favour you need from her, you might be able to bribe her with chicken.

She keeps a battered stop sign she ripped from the sidewalk during a fight once in her room as a trophy.
Her prized skeleton is an almost-complete kaprosuchus fossil that she conveniently "doesn't remember" how she got ahold of.
Ashe adamantly refuses to enter grave sites or cemeteries. She also, understandably, refuses to ever use her quirk on human remains.

Quirk: Grave Digger

Ashe's physical form already grants her imposing physical strength, a running speed that could keep pace with some cars, a jump that can clear the gap between buildings easily, sharp claws and sharper teeth accompanied by impressive biting strength, and overall keen senses that help her keep on top of her surroundings, but the "staple" of her quirk, however, is Ashe's ability to summon buried skeletons to the surface and command them.
Her skeletons' skin and muscle is made from the soil they emerged from, and they can remain above ground as long as their "bodies" remain intact enough to function. If enough of their soil is lost or they sustain too much damage, they will "die", as Ashe calls it, and collapse into regular bones that Ashe has no control over. If a skeleton "dies", Ashe will need to re-bury it before her quirk can effect it again. Because of this, Ashe will send her skeletons back underground before they can "die" to preserve them.

The skeleton doesn't necessarily have to be complete for Ashe to use it, but parts of its body may not operate as effectively without bone structure and she can't control a skeleton at all if she doesn't at least have the skull. While Ashe can only control bones when they have been buried, she can "sense" the presence and rough status (such as what kind of bone it is/what type of skeleton it belonged to) of any bones at all regardless of location, but she picks them up much more easily when they're underground. This actually includes bones belonging to living things (albeit it's much weaker), which, combined with heightened senses, makes sneaking up on her normally next to impossible.
Ashe doesn't know exactly how long after death a skeleton needs to be for her quirk to be able to control it and, quite understandably, the idea of seeing a living thing dying in front of her and only thinking "I should test how long it takes for my quirk to take effect" makes her both sick and furious beyond compare.

Ashe is very sentimental about her skeletons and "injuring" one, such as breaking a bone, will set her off in a blind rage: if the two metre tall psuedo-dinosaur wasn't a nightmare-inducing threat before, she is now. It's unknown if Ashe's skeletons have any sentience of their own or if Ashe just naturally puppets them in a way that gives the impression of some personality. Either way, she always baby-talks and pets them all the time and praises them for a job well-done.