Djävul/ Atlas



7 months, 7 days ago



Not a god's chosen but a god's cursed



𓆩 𓄿 𓆪

Ft. song: Raine - Benjamin Wallfisch


Djävul Kashirsky


"The Devil"


22 at death - Gw: ???







Voice claim












easily angered


Design Notes


He always wears black/gray colored clothing.

White wings on his face in ghostworld version is opt.

Can be drawn with a white feather behind his left ear/on his tail.

Rarely smiles, mostly has a tired look on his face.

He is around 180 cm ( bit shorter than Raven in gw )

Never wears white except for a lily of the valley earring / white feather.



  • Cold weather
  • Lilith
  • Snow


  • Valchor
  • Touch
  • Crowds

Djävul is quiet, withdrawn who avoids crowds, company. He doesn't like being touched after being hurt a lot by Valchor and of his fear of people. Despite his fear he tries to be kind and polite towards everyone. His reserved nature keeps him isolated and make it hard for him to trust people, but around Lilith, he shows a rare glimpse of happyness becoming a bit more open and outgoing in her presence. After getting into the ghostworld and meeting his children he tried to be more open and affectionate.


✦Shadow among the White [ ACT I ]✦

Djävul was born into the royal family, but from an early age, it was clear he was different. While all members of his family whose hair turned pure white as a sign of their royal bloodline, his remained dark—a rare condition that only he seemed to possess. This distinction quickly branded him as an outcast, not considered a true member of the family in the eyes of many. Rumors that his family had been punished by the gods with him haunted him for his whole life. His mother, Felicia, loved him deeply and stood by him despite the whispers and judgment. But his father, Valchor, never accepted him as his own, neglecting him and treating him as if he didn’t belong, further isolating Djävul from the family he longed to be part of.

Originally named Atlas by his loving mother, Valchor stripped him of that name, calling him Djävul instead, a constant reminder of his place in the family. As Valchor's only son, Djävul was forced into the role of a priest, trained under his father’s harsh guidance. Valchor's constant emotional and physical abuse shattered Djävul's trust and confidence, leaving deep scars that never healed. Valchor would hurt him in every way imaginable, ensuring Djävul felt like nothing more than a burden. Despite everything he desperately tried to prove himself to him who would never accept him as his kin. Most of his days were spent alone in the church, where the cold walls were his only company, from morning until night. But he rather spent his days alone in church than among his family.

✦Shadow among the White [ ACT II ]✦

At his lowest point, when the weight of Valchor’s cruelty seemed unbearable, Djävul met Lilith. Unsure of how to respond to her constant affection and kindness, he initially kept his distance, his fear of people and distrust holding him back. But after a particularly harsh argument with Valchor, Djävul finally let his guard down and allowed Lilith to hug him and from that day on, his trust in her grew, and her presence became a source of comfort. The lonely, quiet days he once endured were now filled with a kind of happiness he had never known. Though both were aware they could never be together publicly, they met and got together in secret.

Occasionally, Djävul would slip away from the church and return home with Lilith, where they spent quiet, stolen moments together in the garden, beneath the willow tree in the back of the garden. Those afternoons were some of his happiest, in comfortable silence. They often wandered through the town, Djävul showing Lilith his favorite hidden spots, places she’d never seen, having come from a faraway town. The national park quickly became Lilith's favorite place, a sanctuary where they could escape together, away from the heavy expectations that loomed over their futures.

But with each passing year, Lilith’s marriage ceremony loomed closer, a bitter reminder of the fate that would tear them apart. The day was approaching when she would be wed to (?), as arranged by her family, leaving Djävul behind even when she'd stay in Valleyhaven they wouldn't let her see him. Felicia knew about their relationship but she knew Djävul’s life was filled with so much pain, and she couldn’t bear to take away the little bit of joy he had, even if it was for a little while.

✦Shadow among the White [ ACT III ]✦

Djävul felt a deep chasm of despair as the day of Lilith's wedding arrived. He had always known that Valchor's cruel decision would prevent him from ever marrying, but sitting at the ceremony the weight of that reality pressed down harder than ever. Each glance at his father fueled a simmering rage within him, He felt broken, watching the woman he loved prepare to say vows to another. Meanwhile everyone celebrated insde, Djävul spent the rest of the night under the willow tree he spent his days with Lilith. Just as he began to drown in his thoughts, Lilith sneaked out to join him. She wrapped her arms around him having a last moment together. “Know that I'll always love you my dear. ”

Fueled by a mix of grief and anger, Djävul stood up to his father for the first time. He confronted Valchor, challenging the man who had made his life a living hell. The argument escalated, voices rising, and Djävul felt a strange power surging within him, his eyes glowed crimson, a reflection of the inner turmoil that had been building for years. Valchor, taken aback by the transformation, saw not his son but the devil he had always feared. In a panic, he stabbed Djävul, ending his life. After his death many people recieved the same power which they called the curse and Valchor made the law to kill anyone who got it.

  • It was said Djävul spread the curse to Valleyhaven to punish Valchor and the rest of his family. But it wasn't true not even he knows where it came from. He was the first to enter the Ghostworld where he now helps cursed people get to so he can watch over them. He can turn into a white crow and go back to the living world where he watched over his mother and Raven later on.
  • A place opened between a different realm where Lilith went and they met and got married in the afterlife.
  • When Valchor died he brought him to the Ghostworld eventhough he didn't recieve a curse and sent him underwater into a coma like state. Though sometimes he'd bring him up from the water to be a target when he trained Nephele.
  • He likes to make stars and constellations for the Ghostworld sky and made one for Lilith and Raven.




He loves her more than anything and loved to spend time with her whenever he could. He was scared of touch but loved whenever Lilith hugged him and would always cuddle with her for hours. After the curse got to all of Lilith's children he took care of them in the afterlife.



He loved his mother dearly but from all the hurt he got from Valchor he pushed her mother away who tried to give him love and affection.



He always tried to make Valchor proud and prove himself to be worthy of the role of highpriest but nothing was ever enough for his father.


Red Raven

He really likes spending time with her and enjoys her company. He helps her visit her mother's dream and even made a constellation for her for the ghostworld sky.

