tbn's Comments

If you're looking to trade or sell, let me know! I've love to get them back! Pretty much anything in my TH.

I can offer you some art for her! Here's my most recent stuff


I could take art for both of them. Is there a specific amount you were looking to offer, or price for price?

I can offer 2 halfbody shaded or 2 fullbody colored for both of them

Ahh sorry, not looking for that for this kid. His value is well over 150$ in art alone. x.x;

Ok cool, what about the other character? I can offer the same amount of art for them

I'd take a single full body for them! <:

Anyone from this folder is cool to draw! https://toyhou.se/MonsterInsideMe/characters/folder:849331

If you were interested in this character, I could possibly trade them for 4 fullbodies? If that's something you're interested in.

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