


PRONOUNS:   they/them
HEIGHT:   5'9"
AGE:   25
BIRTHDAY:   Feb 19
OCCUPATION:   Magician
STATUS:   Alive

Chameleon is a support Phighter who specializes in evasion and speed-based support. Chameleon is affiliated with the Thieves' Den. They work part-time as a magician, and often go unseen in the crossroads.


CLASS:   Support
FACTION:   Thieves' Den
HP:   60
SHIELD:   75


PASSIVE: Lizard Feet

- Increased walking speed.
- Can climb up walls or vertical surfaces by double-jumping aganst them, but will temporarily ragdoll if hit. This leaves the player on the ground for 0-2.5 seconds depending on the height fallen from.

PRIMARY: Magic Dart

CHARGE TIME: 0.5 seconds
- Chameleon casts a weak magic dart at the target. Deals 5 damage per enemy hit.
- If 5 or more darts successfully hit in a row, Chameleon and their allies gain a speed boost.

SECONDARY: Splash Potion

SPLASH RANGE: 50 studs
COOLDOWN: 8 seconds
- Chameleon throws their potion down in front of them with a splash range of 50 studs.
- If enemies are in range, it will deal a range of 10-35 damage depending on distance.
- If allies are in range, they gain a speed boost for 10-15 seconds depending on distance.

Q ABILITY: Lingering Spell

STARTUP: 1 second
UPTIME: 8 seconds
COOLDOWN: 15 seconds
- Chameleon casts a lingering spell that will stay on the ground for 8 seconds.
- Any ally who passes through this field will gain a 20% speed boost and 5 seconds of invulnerability, where they cannot hit or be hit.

E ABILITY: Camoflauge

UPTIME: 0-15 seconds
COOLDOWN: 18 seconds
- Chameleon drinks their potion, causing them to become invisible. This lasts until they take direct damage or 15 seconds have passed.
- Invisible players leave team-indicating footsteps on the ground and a visible outline of their character will slowly appear throughout their invisibility.

PHINISHER: Magic Trick

DAMAGE: 5 + 1 * number of seconds slowed
KNOCKBACK FORCE: 20 + 7 * airtime duration, max. 50
SLOW: 30% for 5-15 seconds
- Chameleon inherits the magical energy of their potion before sending it off in an explosion with a blast radius of 200 studs.
- Enemies affected by the explosion will take 5 HP of damage and be slowed down for 5-15 seconds depending on distance.
     - 1 HP of damage is taken per second when slowed.
- Allies within 100 studs of the explosion gain 15 seconds of invisibility and 5 seconds of invulnerability, where they cannot hit or be hit.
     - After the invulnerability period, the invisibility will continue to last until the user takes direct damage or 10 seconds have passed.
     - Invisible players leave team-indicating footsteps on the ground and a visible outline of their character will slowly appear throughout the invisibility period.


Chameleon is known as eccentric and out-of-place by many, not helped by the fact that they are often unseen in the crossroads and like to appear behind people. They're friendly with just about everyone, save for some like Banhammer, who Chameleon finds to be scary. Chameleon is always open and agreeable with an (unseen) smile on their face... though perhaps a little too much. Often it is that phighters like Banhammer believe Chameleon has ulterior motives, especially for having so many tricks up their sleeve. Chameleon keeps their motives secret, so it is unknown what they might be up to or what their true goals are. They take their part-time job as a magician to heart, and often they like to pretend they're phighting for a secret audience. With this comes a hubris that will sometimes strive too far, becoming overly cocky in phights or card matches. Rest assured, sit down, come play a game! They promise they won't pull any tricks... maybe.





Chameleon sees Medkit as a good friend, as they often play card games together over coffee. Chameleon secretly looks up to Medkit for guidance and admires his wisdom.


Chameleon and Boombox consider each other buddies, often coming to each other's performances to cheer the other on.


  • "They won't see us coming!"
  • "We'll have their heads spinning in no time!"
  • "Everyone ready?"
  • "It's about time!"
  • "I've got tricks up my sleeve!"
  • "My trusty spades won't fail me now."
  • "I wonder what'll come of this one."
  • "Ladies and gentlemen... prepare!"


  • "Anyone down for a game of cards?"
  • "Hmmm..."
  • "It's getting a little too dull around here."
  • "I need a nap under a warm lamp."
  • "I'm ready for a game or two."
  • "I sure hope my potionmaker's hard at work."
  • "Some plants would do this place nicely."


CHAMELEON: How would you feel about putting on some jazz right now?
BOOMBOX: You got it, Cham!

BOOMBOX: I think you could really use my tunes during your shows!
CHAMELEON: Well... I'll think about it.

BOOMBOX: You got an Uno deck on hand?
CHAMELEON: Let's focus, now!

CHAMELEON: Might you up the tempo for me?
BOOMBOX: Sure can!


CHAMELEON: You down for a game of cards?
MEDKIT: You won too easily last time.

CHAMELEON: You look tired.
MEDKIT: I am. Can one of your 'spells' revert that?
CHAMELEON: Well... I wish.

CHAMELEON: Do those crystals have magical properties to them?
MEDKIT: Don't even think about it.

MEDKIT: How come you choose not to heal others with your magic?
CHAMELEON: No need for healing if we simply pick up the pace!

MEDKIT: Do you even have a strategy?
CHAMELEON: Well, make their heads spin. Surely, they won't even keep up!


CHAMELEON: It's ought to suck being so slow all the time.
BANHAMMER: Watch your mouth, bug-eyes!
CHAMELEON: Oh... you heard that?


  • "And for my next trick..."
  • "Poof! You disappeared!"
  • "I'm sure you didn't even see me coming."
  • "That one was for my lovely audience."
  • "Did you see me?"
  • "See you at my next show!"
  • "Ta-daaa!"


  • "That was my gift to you."
  • "Let the magician do the magic!"
  • "That was gonna be my magic trick!"
  • "I'm sure you needed my magician's assistance."
  • "Give me some credit, here!"
  • "Uhm... ta-daa!"


  • "Now you see me... now you don't!"
  • "And now, for the final act!"


  • "Thank you, thank you. I'll be here all night."
  • "Like a rabbit out of a hat!"
  • "Shall I do an encore?"
  • "Just one of many!"
  • "There's many more where that came from."
  • "They just couldn't see me!"
  • "Was I camoflauged too well?"
  • "My team's just too fast for you!"
  • "A cold-blooded victory!"


  • "I fumbled!"
  • "Wait, really!?"
  • "I wasn't fast enough!"
  • "They caught me!"
  • "Ow..."
  • "I call for a rematch!"
  • "I need to cool down from this..."
  • "My audience will be disappointed..."
  • "That's not how it was meant to go!"