Elka Windblade



3 months, 16 days ago


Tabled Few

Name Elka Windblade

Gender Female

Pronouns She/her

Sexuality Lesbian

Age 29

Race Shifter

Class Path of the Totem Barbarian

Designer Wintert_ide

html Pinky

Well kept weapons

Fitness training


Relaxing on the beach

Loud cheering crowds

Being called a werewolf

Company mismanagement

Untrained newbie adventurers

Strict Loyal Healing

Elka Windblade is a quiet woman with a dark past. Elka’s family was once a proud family of great bear shifters from the continent of Tal’Dorei. However Elka for whatever reason was born as a wolf shifter. At first her parents fought over potential infidelity, after a while realizing that no such thing had happened they came to the conclusion that their god, Hircine, had chosen to curse them for their complacency. Elka’s family was very intent on keeping their bear shifter lineage alive, even her father was brought into the family specifically because he was a bear shifter. To appease their god they traveled abroad to the decrepit and lawless town of Shady Creek run in an attempt to cleanse it regaining their gods favor once again. They spent countless hours and endless amounts of money but the people simply did not want their help. Elka grew up in the destitution the city brought. Even after all that time had passed her parents did not accept her so Elka left to prove herself. She joined a predatory gladiator guild and accrued an insane amount of debt through unwise dealings. In the gladiator circles she was known as “The Mutt” and was forced to fight in her wolfish form for the entertainment of many. Philomela the Beloved was in attendance at one of her bouts and offered to buy out Elkas contract, releasing her from the guild's clutches. These days she works as a security guard for the young Caspar Highcaller, head of the Gilded Compass. She plans to pay off her debts and go find her parents again, to at least tell them off.

Friendly Aggressive
Sincere Deceptive
Bold Timid
Calm Irritable
Clever Foolish
  • Elka works both as a teacher to new adventurers, a body guard, and an adventurer herself. She is not really interested in someone paying off her debt on her behalf.
  • Exercise is very important to Elka, she tends to lead a morning run with all of the new recruits to the Gilded Compass. Compared to the violence of the coliseum she is so happy to be doing such mundane activities.
  • Loud cheering tends to bring her back to her times fighting for her life in the coliseum. She tends to have to leave lest she turns into her wolfish form and starts recklessly punching people.
  • Her weapon is a sword she stole from her parents before leaving Shady Creek Run. It was more of an ornamental piece but she sends people flying with it.
If that idiot does one more thing I swear I will actually quit..