Lumios / Illumi



3 months, 26 days ago



Lumios / ILLUMI

[ blue + white dove ] sinner
Lumios - " Illumi "
Died in Late 30s
He / Him
Dove Sinner Demon


Lumios doesn't remember much before he fell into the gaping pit of hell. He knows he's Italian and that he had quite a few siblings - but has lost most memory aside from those points. Although, from the sorrow he feels when he sees things such as bars, hears jazz music or a game of cards, he feels as if forgetting had been the best option for him.

Lumios never struggled in hell. He found that a lot of sinners found him extremely attractive - almost forbidden thanks to his angelic appearance, which demons are not allowed to associate with angels. This means he would get a lot of special treatment from those around him.

"Yer always doin' things for us, Mori. Ain't it time we do somethin' for you?"


Lumios prefers not to fight, but he has a very agile fighting style whenever he does. Wielding a spear, he fuses his agile and flirtatious personality with his fighting.


Ability name



A simplistic spear that was gifted to him by one of his bosses.



Lumios is a menace. Not in the literal sense, but his favourite thing to do is flirt with the people around him until they give in. He loves to play jokes and pranks on his friends, although nothing that causes them too much harm.
Despite seemingly being a flirty and hard-to-get-along with guy, he's actually incredibly sweet on his downtime. He likes to chat about his current life down in the underworld, as well as listen to others such as Skit or Amori chat. The person he tends to talk to more than listen to is Sol, who is more than happy to listen.

Flirtatious | Social | Confident

Lumios doesn't particularly like his job. He never has, and his two bosses make him vaguely uncomfortable. Although, he likes that he's good at it, which makesh im stay... along with the fact that he tends to be easily manipulated into things he doesn't like to do. He doesn't have the strongest backbone, but he will have more of a say in what he thinks is wrong for his friends than he will what's wrong with him.


Design Notes

  • The white heart on his lip is a design choice, not a highlight.
  • Unlike angels, Lumios is unable to hide his wings.
  • Lumios has a horn in his chest.
  • He is considered one of the least demonic figures in the underworld.


  • Pink
  • Pranks
  • Music
  • Animals
  • Kids


  • Sour food
  • Blue
  • Touching his horn
  • Flashing lights
  • Guns


  • Lumios sometimes forgets that healthy relationships are not sex-based. He doesn't remember the last time someone loved him and not his body - probably when he was alive.
  • Lumios is one of the rare demons who enjoys the way their demon body looks entirely. Most earth-born demons either tolerate their appearance or despise it. Although, unlike other demons, he does not find pleasure in teasing other demons about their appearance. Especially when they're not confident in their own body.
  • Lumios doesn't wear too much makeup other than eyelashes and eyeliner. He doesn't like how sticky it is, and he doesn't like covering up his white heart on his lip. He doesn't really know why - but any time he can't see it, he gets emotional.
  • Lumios has almost no memory of his life - and what he remembers is usually very undetailed and few and far between. One of the things he can remember is the song 'We Meet Again'. He can't remember who wrote it, nor where he learnt it, but when he was found by his bosses who knows how long after he fell into hell - he was found humming that melody as he stumbled down an alleyway, injured.
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