
Trixie! (Trix)

I just wanted us to have fun..




Clown Monster




Male, FTM



Trix is a laidback but moody resident of the Wild East, with a reputation of letting his quick temper to get the best of him. He has no patience for the Sheriff and posse, calling them out for their charade and not respecting them as any actual authority - though, e mainly focuses on North Star above all and often times leaves his posse out of it. (though, this is subject to change depending on the day.)

He is often referred to as a bandit during this section of the game, by the Feisty Five respectively. However, characters such as Dina and Ceroba acknowledge that while he may be misguided, that title doesn’t necessarily define him. The most crimes he has ever committed was tamer ones such as pickpocketing or such extreme cartoonish villain plots that it negates in reality - such as playing hot potato with a stick of dynamite. The most he really ever does is hijinks or inconveniencing the townsfolk and their heros.

He never thinks before he acts, often coming across as more like a firecracker than a reasonable opponent. Trix often picks off more than he can chew, especially with fights.

His emotions are extreme and he experiences intense mood swings, mostly caused by his inner turmoil. He is bold, but mostly keeps in the same little groups he’s in and never speaks of himself or any of his issues, causing him to be very bottled up. This makes him very clingy.

He gets very involved in his games and has a hard time remembering other people may not enjoy them, finding other’s emotions confusing. He takes jokes too far, and is very confused by the differing reactions he gets - he isn’t doing this out of pure malicious intent, whenever he plays games such as this he just wants them all to have fun.

Trix used to work at the saloon that Dina is a bartender at, though after a while of working there he quit and now deals with a plethora of shady folk and often deals the cards. He doesn't play fair and often cheats - though he seems to think he is fine as the posse of the shrieff are also huilty of these crimes, Mooch and (he assumes) Ace especially.

He also does not like being referred to as a clown, often trying to escape that idenity of his to the best of his ability. He has really bad stage fright and freezes whenever he is put on stage - he is able to do standup if there are only two or three monsters around, the moment he gets a crowd he freezes.

He is very stubborn and very emotional, emotions and his pride basically control him.

The Beginning

Trixie comes from a long line of court jester’s, who lost their court. After the war, monster kind was at an all time low, by the order of the king and queen they were sent to spread joy among the land of “Home” , spreading until the entire underground was bright again. Fewer worked in the castle around this time, and when they did - it was to entertain and care for the small children of Toriel and Asgore. The underground had found a beacon of hope, a bit of joy to shy away from the horrors.

When tragedy struct upon the losses of the two young monarchs, the newfound flame died a little. Monster’s, all alike mourned. Clowns couldn’t preform, whether it be for their own personal reasonings or the fact no one wanted to laugh along like nothing had happened. The family entered a state of depression, moving from one underground location to the next - an attempt to find work in their field. Most found it was a lost cause, and moved on to do greater things then preforming. Their reputation had forever been tarnished. Even after Asgore had given the monster’s a newfound hope, it was hard to recapture the golden years, they were no longer of a significant importance.

Trix was only a child around this time, he can’t recall much besides moving around a ton and meeting a lot of people. He was never able to stay in one place long enough to make any actual friends, though he did manage to become penpals with two monsters after preforming near the Wild East. Starlo and Ceroba - many others never kept in touch with him due to his busy schedule, but they seemed to write him the most. It gave him a sense of normalcy and security he never had before.

Things continued on this way. That was, until, one day after years of no acknowledgement, court members called upon them to come return to the castle. They had noticed Asgore’s mood diminishing following the loss of his queen. It had been years since she had left, the king had been able to gather four human souls upon this time. Multiple families, clown, jester and mime alike were called to put a smile upon his face again, auditioning to bring back the royal court once again. When it was Trixie’s turn, he was pushed to preform as he was of the age they are usually given solo acts. Staring at the patient king, he began to tremble.

Stage fright and performance anxiety getting the best of him as he never preformed alone before. Asgore noticed this and began to try his best to talk down his nerves, to no avail. He dropped all of his tricks on the floor, creating a giant mess. His father rushed to his side and began to clean up the flowerbeds as his son began to tear up, begging the king for forgiveness. Asgore was going to speak to the child when he rushed out of the room in tears and embarrassment. The next few days were agony as his family tried to do “damage control” - continuing on the act without him until the king gave them dreaded news. That he would not be re-establishing the royal court after all. This was of his own volition and not the fault of anyone - he didn’t want the royal court back, but people around him grew concerned and attempted anyway. However, while it wasnt’ Trixie’s fault, his family not so subtly always blamed him for this, seeing it as the greatest disappointment ever. Blaming the fact they couldn’t crawl back up the social ladder on him. He was pushed to the sidelines and never allowed to perform outside of supporting roles, he began to lose his place in the act despite all his efforts to make up for it.

Often leaving for weeks at a time, he would visit his friends back in the Wild East to make up for his home life - it was during this time he met a man named Chujin through Ceroba, who he became quick friends with. He would often spend time at Starlo’s house, though not for longer than needed as he never wanted to take up so much space for the family(they didn’t mind, truly. Trix just had believing that due to his own issues.).

On the Road

There was one incident with his family that stuck out among the rest, which caused him to leave home for good. During one of the shows which he wasn’t allowed to perform on, they were having electrical issues as the monster normally in charge of them was having trouble using their magic that night, meaning they had to do it manually. Trix ended up tripping over an unmarked cable which caused it to unplug, making the entire tent g dark and effectively ruining the show. To make matters worse, one of the performers(his brother) dropped his torch due to shock - resulting in the tent nearly setting ablaze before immediately being put out. This caused a massive argument between him, his siblings and relatives - a lot said of which was hinted at being so cruel that was the last straw as he ran away that following night. (yes, he used the cartoon stick and sack lmfao)

Leaving “New Home” , he called Chujin in tears - not wanting to lean on Starlo and his family for support once again, explaining the entire situation and that he was leaving home. He was around his late teens at this time, he was urged to come back to the Wild East, but he was reluctant. Bringing up the idea of going to UG apartments, he explained he could stay there for a week and figure it out from there. Dissatisfied, Chujin offered to pay for the room if he needed longer, to which he declined - but the offer to come to The Wild East was still up. In his panicked state, he had forgotten to tell Chujin not to tell the others, which bit him in the ass the next morning as he awoke to numerous calls from Ceroba and Starlo (as well as Chujin himself).

Trix always had issues accepting help from other’s, though after a stern talking to from everyone he reluctantly agreed it would be in his best interest to accept their help. With the encouragement of everyone, he spent a few days with Starlo and his family as he slowly got back on his feet - along with the help of Chujin and encouragement of Ceroba. Chujin was able to help Trix buy a plot of land to put a tent in (it was bigger on the inside) and he was able to make a living working at the bar - where he met his boss, and later friend, Dina. He recounts how he would never be able to repay Chujin’s debt when asked about his death - though, Ceroba states that he probably wouldn’t have accepted it anyway.


Trix began to feel a home in the Wild East, growing closer to the residents in such a small town, being introduced to Starlo’s friends and having an even better sense of security than before - he felt like he could relax. He would always participate in “North Star’s” activities whenever he could, finding joy in playing along. When it was just starting out, it was acknowledged that they didn’t exactly have an outlaw yet.. to which, Trix offered to play the roll! The deputy had been promoted to certified outlaw! .. Demoted? It didn’t matter, the two of them seemed to have fun. At least, for a bit.

The fun began to drain as they became too involved in their roles, it no longer felt like a game anymore - or even escapism for that matter. For Star, maybe, but Trix began to feel secluded the more stunts he pulled. Communication is important, but neither of them communicated to see if the other was finding enjoyment in what they were doing. Trix began to lose passion for the title he was given, a mix of bitterness and all the other bottled up emotions being channeled into his “character” . It began to feel less like make pretend and more like an actual rivalry, from closest friend to intense rival.

It all ended in a very (over)dramatic stand off between Sheriff and Bandit, the fight was.. very much not a role-play anymore. North Star began to take the town more seriously, but Trix stayed the same. Their usual fun banter was filled with negativity and devolved into an argument between the two of them - everything had just come out at once, ending with North Star telling him he isn’t above the law. Trixie then declared he wanted to change his role again, to which the Sheriff had to tell him it didn’t work that way. Even if it was supposed to be “pretend” , Trix had become a criminal in order for the charade to keep going, essentially, the two had “become” their characters. They both said really mean things to one another, that was when Trixie announced that he was done. Done with the town, done with the Feisty Five, done with Starlo. Shocked, he couldn’t say anything as Trix stormed off. That marked the end of their friendship officially, though looking back, it had been over for a while. None of them just wanted to admit it.

After that, Trixie stayed away from the theatrics like he said he would. He stopped talking to the Feisty Five and their sheriff, despite asking what was happening. He would occasionally engage in crimes and mess with them out of pettiness or some secret other desire. The two of them became strangers, acting like they never knew each other on such a level after a while. Ceroba always thought it was stupid, to let their friendship die out just like that - attempting the mediate the situation but her and Chujin began to be too busy to handle their problems as they focused on their own.

During UTY

During the events of Undertale Yellow, it had been a few years since their initial falling out. By the dialogue The Feisty Five and North Star say about Trix, it’s obvious there’s some history there they would rather not talk about. Speaking to Vengeful Virgil springs a dialogue painting a fake persona of an evil outlaw that not even he can surpass, though it is mostly fabricated nonsense he heard. Dina has actual dialogue for learning about Trix, confirming that they were indeed friends before something happened, stopping herself as she doesn’t gossip about her past employees.

Trix can be seen watching Clover’s quest in becoming North Star’s deputy and appears as an NPC during “nap time”, to which if you choose to speak to him, triggers a side quest and mini boss. Throughout their quest with North Star, Trix will often intervene and give obstacles and mini games as he messes with the Sheriff’s new friend - jokingly trying to convince them to join his team instead of Stars, which is a full bluff as he does not have one. If you say yes, he’ll be shocked and say he didn’t have a team - but now he has a team of one! To which causes Vengeful Virgil to get sad. If you say no, he’ll just proclaim he didn’t have one anyway and it still triggers Virgil to get sad.

The final bit of the quest happens after you fight North Star, to which Clover follow’s a trail of confetti to Trix’s previously locked tent. Clover finds Trix talking to himself, before getting alarmed and turning around to face them. He states how this is his very last attempt, and that you fell directly into his trap and it triggers a fight. His dialogue in the fight basically states that he wants to “try again” and reveals that the entire plot of his evil plan was to get North Star’s attention, so they can have fun again like they used to.

The fight is stopped when Star comes to look to Clover, causing Trix to spare them and back away. Star was able to hear the last bit of the conversation, looking left and right at all the contraptions he had, the memories that he kept and looking on with a sad face.

“ … Is that why you did all this, Trixie? “

“ .. No one.. call’s me Trixie anymore, “

“ … “

“ …They should “

After this interaction, Starlo begins to apologize for everything - to which Trixie cuts him off and starts apologizing himself. The Feisty Five soon join the scene and they all begin communicating like they should have been doing from day one - ending up forgiving each other. Trixie then ask if he’s still apart of the group, to which is responded by a group hug which Clover gets invited to.

If you decide to kill Trixie here, Starlo rushes in and says something along the lines of how lucky Clover is that Trixie isn’t there. He looks around a bit before telling Clover they should get out of there before he shows back up. During Genocide, Trixie is one of the monsters who originally evacuated - you can only trigger his fight if you are able to fight El Bailador.



  • Trix, No one calls him by his name "Trixie" anymore. Not to be confused with a deadname, it's meant to represent how far in te act he is and how is now precieved. Only Starlo calls him "Trixie" on occasion, meant as both a term of endearment as well as for when the situation is "serious". This causes Trix to state sadly that no one calls hjm this anymore, for Starlo only to answer that they should start.
  • The Treacherous Trix, a term coined by North Star when the town was first starting out. He does not like being called it anymore, though he is referred to as such during the Wild East quest by both North Star and The Fiesty Five.
  • Hops, a more tame nickname given to him by North Star, as well as being used by Dina. This refers to his bunny like ears. It is also used by Ceroba.
  • Clown, self explainatory.


  • Reading
  • Dancing
  • Writing
  • Collecting things


  • Preforming
  • Crowds
  • Strong Smells
  • Bugs


  • Trix had a "mime" phase when he was a teenager, as said by Ceroba. The clown equivalent of an emo phase!
  • Trix was one of the guests at Ceroba and Chujin's weddings, and would often help out with Kanako.
  • Trix knows both El Bailador and Decibat!
  • During the Pacifist playthrough, it is shown near the end that he had befriended Dalv.
  • Trix's voice claim is Fern the Human from Adventure Time!
  • It is hinted that not many people may like Trix due to the fact he is a clown, a reference to the phobia many have of clowns.
  • Trix's pant pockets have hammerspace!
  • Trix is autistic!


North Star Love Interest / Rival

Formally really close friends, North Star and Trix have formed an intense rivalry following their initial falling out that has yet to heal. They way they behave with one another really depends on the day - though, it mostly always consists of arguments and banter / heckling. Both Starlo and Trixie are too stubborn to heal the broken bond, even if it could be solved by a conversation - both are so similar to one another but went through different experiences so they react differently. It is implied that Trixie liked Starlo around this time, which may have caused or contributed to the initial bitterness since around this time Starlo had a crush on Ceroba. The feelings the two share are still very much present despite what had happened.

Ceroba Good Friends

Ceroba and Trixie used to be closer when they were little, circumstance pulled them apart to the point where they still care for one another - though they don’t really know that person anymore. The falling out with Starlo did have an effect on their friendship as they didn’t speak for a while after it (mostly due to Trixie avoiding her), as well as Ceroba not necessarily liking who either of them were turning into nor caring for their rivalry. If she was ever brought into it, she would defend Starlo over Trixie any-day - though as Trixie was friends with her late husband it puts her in a difficult spot. They are slowly making up by the time Clover reaches the Wild East.

Chujin Close Friends

While Chujin didn’t meet Trixie first; the two of them became really fast friends due to their shared interest and experiences. While Trix never worked in the steamworks, he often helped Chujin with robotics as he made plenty of things for the circus he was in - Chujin was always there when he needed him. He recalls the fox being extremely kind and caring, and helps take care of his family following his passing. However, upon learning about the tapes, experiments and Axis, he acknowledges he may not have known everything about him. It’s complicated. It is also hinted that Trix had a crush on Chujin when they were teenagers, as a parallel to Starlo having a crush on Ceroba.

The Feisty Four Frenemies

Trix met the feisty four gradually overtime, being one of its original members before voluntarily taking the “Outlaw” role. Their feelings towards one another is complicated at best as it really depends on the situation. The ones he gets along with the least being Mooch, who often tries(and does) pickpocket him, and Ace, who he is pretty sure cheats at his card games(he cheats too). He gets along with Moray and Ed the most. In the Pacifist run, they end up making up and are actively working at becoming friends again as they need more time to adjust to each-other than Starlo did.

Clover Depends

Clover’s relationship with Trix depends on what route you get, in Pacifist Trix acts like a secondary parental figure - more like a “Fun Uncle” of sorts as you help mend his past friendships and help him realize his wrongdoings. In genocide, Trix is scared of them, and in neutral you don’t even get the option to meet him.

Martlet Friends

Martlet and Trix meet soon after the Wild East section of the game, and bond off screen. They both heard of each other from Chujin and Ceroba, bonding through those means. They’re seen as good friends, bouncing off of each other super well - even if it does consist of them teasing each other (and normally failing on Martlet’s end). Though, initally he is untrusting and cold towards her, due to his experience with the royal court, which his memory is sort of scewed due to being so little and deeming it one of the worst days of his life, hid friendship with Martlet is him beginning to heal.

Dalv Friends

Trix met Dalv during the end credits of the Pacifist ending, not much is known outside of that - though it is implied he helps Dalv get into performing as he cannot do it himself.

Dina Best Friends

He met Dina when he first moved to the Wild East after running away from home and being in need of a job. He was a hardworking employee and the two of them often chatted whenever it wasn’t too busy, becoming like family. They know mostly everything about of each other - sorta behaving like sibling archetypes. Even after he quit, she made it known that he would always be welcomed back if he changed his mind. Dina knows how to put him in his place, refusing to let him make a rukas out of her establishment. She cares for him, but values her sanity and doesn't want any part of his drama.