
Pronounced: ma-law-kai

Pronouns: He/Him

Nicknames: Mal, Mallow, Kai, Kai-Kai (by Angel)

Age: 157

Profession: exotic dancer- work title "Malachi the Seductress"


  • very hypersexual and a bit of a slut 
  • hits on anything with a pulse (but only sleeps with guys)
  • kinky af (without being forced to be) 
  • favorite past time is making Samael and Axel uncomfortable 
  • has a bit of crush on Axel as well. 
  • Works for Val and Vox's son Vincent (has more or less the same sort of relationship that Angel and Val did, expect without the soul contract and abuse)
  • calls Angel Dust dad and Husk pops
  • Has a pet cat named Camille (she's like Keekee except different colors and whatnot. Was given to him by Axel who "found" her on the street and felt like he was the best place for her
  • adores his little sister Bianca
  • purrs like a cat himself when cuddling with others or just comfortable and relaxed