
5 years, 8 months ago


he/him or they/them or it/its

Species: "dog"

Age: uh...yes...sure


Bastard Feral Rabies Man

  • Hes a 4th dimensional that was kicked out of the 4th dimension because he just bitches. constantly. never-endingly. hes so annoying.
  • He had to make a corporeal form what he was forced out of the 4th dimension into our physical world so he picked a dog
  • He does not understand the concept of "dog"
  • He also doesn't the concept of "organs" and has filled his corporeal form with strawberry jam because he saw a man eating jam once and thought, "I guess that's what insides are"
  • He can infinatley manipulate the shape of his body, but instead of using this to make himself "dog shaped" he mostly uses it to stretch his neck really far to look at things and both people.
  • "look at things." he doesn't have eyes those are pits of nothing.
  • He doesn't make noise, ever. Completely soundless. He is telepathic and can just fling is stupid thoughts at anyone at anytime.
  • Smelly
  • Has one friend, Odif
  • He is not in 3D. he is a 2.5D being its awful i hate him so much.