The Bookkeeper



7 months, 5 days ago


  • Name: The BookKeeper
  • Occupation: The BookKeeper Of Memories
  • Age: Billions Years Old
  • Gender: Female (she/her/they/them)
  • Sexuality: Straight; Status: Single
  • Species: Owl
  • Read More Here!
  • Personality
  • Friendly
  • Organized 
  • Good with numbers -- knows everything (knowledgable)
  • Loves working with others

Abilities Basic backstory: The BookKeeper lives consistently with the other Goddess'. They live in a giant library containing every human on earth's memories. Memories may include short-term, long-term, and forgotten memories. Their job is to allow humans to remember these memories for split seconds randomly throughout their lives. It can be done during their time of need (sickness), needed the most (sadness), or they would rather forget it (embarrassment).

Each book within the library is designated for one person. If choosing to open a memory, it plays also for the BookKeeper. They can watch it as it unfolds, allowing them to replay it over and over -- or, choosing to end it quickly (sometimes without choice -- as the book closes). The memories (if the book is open) display similarly to Inside Out Memory orbs (Click here to see an example) floating above the pages of the book in a circular ball.

There are two other species living within this world. One's job is to help the Goddess of Memories ensure that all the memories are stored and intact.. whereas the other's job is to help the Goddess of Forgotten Memories to destroy them (both will be explained further in their own profiles). The BookKeeper's job is to "fix" anything out of place. If pages are missing from a human's profile, they can help restore it. Enabling the memory to take place in the human's life (Déjà vu).

Other info (optional):

  •  This OC along with others in this folder is based on family and personal information about me -- I'd love you forever if you read about them all or draw them ❤