


2 months, 27 days ago

Basic Info


Nightingale Whiskerwyrm




5' 1"


Female (She/Her)


Laid-Back, Playful, Cautious, Sneaky


Occultism & Witchcraft, Swordplay, Interior Design, Metal Detecting, Metal & Rock


Bright Lights, Sunlight, Calm Music


Assassin, Field Agent, Hailfire Industries Administrator

Favorite Band

Duran Duran


“Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it.” - Terry Pratchett

Nightingale is part of a species of plush-gone-to-life cats, alongside her lifelong friend Radar. Most of her story is written by herself, as being such a thing leads you to have no relatives or family to speak of. As she aged up and found her gone-to-life independence, she picked up quite a few fascinations and interest, some spurred on from her early life and exposure before hitting the road with that friend of hers.

Her last name is self-appointed, inspired by being a cat (of course), and the general trope of naming dark/eldritch locales in fantasy '-wyrm'

Alongside Radar, she met and grew friendly with a Latios named Spectre, and the three of them worked together to form a defense, armaments, and satellite agency for New Earth, something it was lacking. From here, she and her friends/coworkers/allies work together to spot meteorological threats, innovate and create new weapons and tools, and generally help survey in tandem with Fluffy's FSCDA for any anomalous threats.

Nightingale was the principal designer and decorator of the building and its interior, making sure everyone had comfortable quarters and working environments! Outside of that, she has her fascinations with a lot of metal and rock bands, frequently wearing shirts of her favorites. She also practices reading and performing a lot of witchcraftery due to her birthright of dark magic. She uses it exclusively to conjure her signature shadowy sword that earned her her nickname - Nightblade. Her research into said witchcraft intends to help her harness that power more uniquely, but as of now, she's yet to be able to work out casting anything more than her cool sword.

Outside of spells and style, she likes to go metal detecting, an interest with just collecting little things. She will often go to old Earth to dig around for things, usually bringing them back to Fabian for display in his museum!

Unfortunately, the dark magic birthright makes the kitty sensitive to bright lights and sunlight, so she cannot comfortably soak up sunrays and warmth like other cats can. But she doesn't mind! She likes the nice comfort of some string lights or hazy lighting made from a lamp.