Evangeline Nirnasha



3 months, 25 days ago



"I'll wait for you, as long as it takes."

Full Name: Evangeline Annika Nirnasha
Often Called: Evangeline, Eva
Title(s): Young Countess
DOB: December 8th, 1876
Age: Twelve
Blood Type: Rh-null
Star Sign: Sagittarius
MBTI: Unknown
Gender: Female
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: Unknown
Ethnicity: Russian
Species: Human
Role: None

Height: 4'6"
Build: Slender, long-legged
Eyes: One blue, one silver (blind)
Skin Tone: Pale ivory
Hair Color: Light blonde
Hair Style: Kept up with a pink bow
Hair Type: Long, loose curls
Demeanor: Friendly, bubbly, approachable

Evangeline is a spunky, opinionated twelve-year old girl that feels like she could conquer the world. She's kind, attentive, and curious. She can be argumentative when she doesn't get her way, as any twelve-year old might be like. She's bubbly and social, talkative, fearless, and loves to make friends and meet people. She's not boy crazy, but she does show slight interest in people--even if it's to annoy her brother more than anything.

"And all the things that you never ever told me.
And all the smiles that are ever going to haunt me.
Never coming home, never coming home."

The Ghost of You
My Chemical Romance

  • Bows and ribbons
  • Ducks
  • Exploring
  • Family and friends

  • The dark
  • Thunderstorms
  • Being alone long
  • Pears

(TW: abuse, neglect, murder) Evangeline was born in the middle of a snowstorm, with the winds howling in place of her silent cries. She was said to have been born without so much as a tear shed, and in fact was smiling most of the time. Her mother held her with nothing more than love and affection. And despite the otherwise absence of Evangeline's father that night, the house was calm and peaceful and happy.

Evangeline grew following her brother around like a little shadow. Wherever he went, she wanted to go too. She alwyas loved playing games and pretend with him, and he always participated with her. As she grew, her brother helped to guide her in life, and provide some relief from the horrible treatment from her father who either neglected her completely, or punished her simply for not being the son he wanted to replace Evangeline's sickly brother.

By the time Evangeline was twelve, her father had been writing to other nobles with the intention of finding her someone to marry her off when she was a little older. She was no good to him beyond continuing on the family bloodline. Though Evangeline knew his thoughts on this, she didn't fully understand. And her mother and brother kept her in the dark about it so she wouldn't have to know for as long as possible.

This would never have to be as one night Evangeline met an early and violent end in her home.

  • Evangeline's favorite colors are pink, red, and silver.
  • Evangeline loves reading books and hearing stories, and would harrass her brother into reading to her when she was little.
  • Evangeline enjoys feeding ducks.
  • Evangeline's form changes colors depedning on her emotions.
  • Evangeline wanted to bea nurse or a doctor but also a dancer when she grew up.
  • Evangeline is blind in one eye after what happened. It's a silver/white color instead of blue like it used to be.

The Power of a [Redacted]:

The power of [redacted] is universal to all [redacted], inlcuding [redacted] (a form of [redacted]). It includes abilities such as: flight, invisibility, intangibility (the power to go through walls), and possession. With invisibility, [redacted] are invisible to everyone, unless someone has an ability specifically to see/hear them.

But even with this power, a [redacted] can still vanish from sight from those who can otherwise see them (they will still be heard) if they want to.

With possession, this gives [redacted] the ability to posses certain objects--dolls/puppets, for the most part. It's a rare few that can possess people, and isn't usually [redacted] that can do this.


Evangeline is susceptible to necromancy, and other abilities that can harm or control a [redacted]. Evangeline can be harmed if she isn't careful, risking being lost in purgatory. Evangeline doesn't know, understand, or remember that she's [redacted].


Edmond is Evangeline's brother. He's the oldest of the two, and she was known to follow his lead in everything and anything. She looked up to him, trusted him, and believed in him. What happened between them shocked her in the end, and she never wanted to believe it ever happened like it did at all.


Evangeline sees Ivy as a friend and someone she aspires to be like in the form of the medicine she wants to practice. She thinks it's adorable how Ivy and Edmond are as friends, a huge supporter and often encourager of the two of them as far as a relationship goes. Evangeline doesn't know much in this field, but she likes to think she does.

Best friend

Evangeline never told anyone, since she was forbidden to, but she and Gabriel had become friends behind her father's back, and even behind Edmond's back. She would go to Gabriel with things she couldn't go to Edmond about. If she got hurt and wanted to hide it, she went to Gabriel. Evangeline knew what Gabriel was, and kept that secret.