Ayda Sommer



3 months, 13 days ago


Adiantum Sommer, nicknamed Ayda, is a wood elf cleric hailing from the ancient nation of Vanandos. Growing up in a small community, Ayda was taught to value her family, her neighbors, and the surrounding nature. As a kid, she would run around with her twin brother, Prymrose, and their best friend, Cyrus. Her older brother, Carric, was a kind, caring, and responsible figure, and someone who Ayda adored. 

If you had asked anyone in the small community about the Sommer twins, one person who would always be brought up was Cyrus, and vice versa. The three were inseparable, spending their days running around, playing pirates, climbing trees and napping on the soft grass and moss until their parents called them home. That was, until the day Cyrus just left.

Unknown to Ayda at the time, the new ruler of Vanandos had risen to power, Tsara Niamh, and some had decided to move underground to avoid her rule. Cyrus and his parents were a part of that. The Sommers decided to leave too, but not with them. So, instead of migrating with them in one group, they went off on their own. Separating Ayda from her home, and everyone and everything she was raised to love. 

The five of them ended up settling in Solestine. With an amazing school just a few blocks away, Ayda decided to look into training with magic. Carric took up some martial lessons, and Prymrose dove head-first into learning about the natural world. Carric eventually left on his own, heading up north and eventually marrying and having kids. Ayda felt a calling and a deep sense of longing to go back to Vanandos to try and get her home back. She all but begged for Prymrose to come with her, and she could tell he really wanted to, but he told her he’d feel guilty if he left their parents all alone. With an agreement to try to make it to her as often as he could, Ayda and Prymrose parted ways for the first time in their lives. 

Going back to Vanandos on her own, Ayda was unsure of where to start. After wandering around for a while, she found a small space in Hlateki, and settled there to study. She tried finding out how the current government operates, what its goals were, and how to stop them from causing any further harm. She also continued her studies of magic, and through that is when Angharradh (AN-gar-rath) finally made herself known to Ayda. Tasking Ayda to serve as a cleric under her domain, Angharradh in turn agreed to lend powers to help her protect and preserve life. 

As if it were a sign of fate, the next time Ayda saw Prymrose, she excitedly told him about how Angharradh had shown themself to her while studying magic, and had sworn to follow her as a cleric. Prymrose carefully and happily recounted how he had been visited by her as well, and they took this to mean they were on the right path.

Ayda spent a few decades on her path, studying and gathering friends and allies. She also spent time trying to visit her older brother up in Snowbush. Carric and Atala’s kids immediately endeared themselves to Ayda. Whenever she came around, she would bring gifts and would make homemade meals for Bryn, Del and Sai. They all called him Auntie Ayda and she adored seeing a group of siblings that reminded her of her and her brothers when they were younger.

It was during this time Ayda met Vittaria. She was a sun elf who called herself a sorcerer and wanted to team up with Ayda and her friends on their mission to free Vanandos. It wasn't but a month after Vitta joined when Ayda pieced together why she was actually here. Through some heated conversations, Ayda found out Vitta had been sent by her patron to take down Ayda’s group from the inside, but Vitta didn't want to pursue that anymore. Working together on figuring out how to break their pact, Ayda and Vitta fell in love and eventually got engaged. 

Unfortunately, just as they were about to make a trip to Snowbush to announce it to her family, Ayda received a letter from Bryn announcing the death of their father, and her brother, and asking if she would attend a funeral up north.

Ayda will never be able to forgive herself for being unable to help Bryn in their crisis that resulted in Carric’s passing. With her being busy with her group, and Bryn having no way of contacting her, she was useless. Bryn says it's okay, but Ayda will always have that guilt.

It wasn't long after this that Vitta got taken from her as well. Having been caught in a lie, Vitta had to choose between freeing herself or letting her patron free a captured Ayda. Of course, Vitta chose to save Ayda’s life. Vitta went back to her patron’s side, leaving her alone without her older brother and the love of her life. 

Feeling a calling to go back to his sister, Prymrose showed up a few weeks later, saying he was here to stay and help. After losing Carric, he didn't want to spend much time separated from his twin. A very welcoming light in Ayda’s otherwise dark life, Ayda happily made room for Prymrose in her home, hoping his help was enough to take on whatever was next.