Dawn MorningStar



4 months, 13 days ago

Basic Info

Species creator:

FantasyArtistry (DA)


Biolumin saurs are genetically enhanced dinosaurs created as an experiment. Most specimens possess genes extracted from bioluminescent creatures and bats; Kentrosauri specifically have crayfish and cuttlefish DNA added to the base stegosaurid ones. (I like to call them Kentrolumens).


Dawn Morningstar was bred in a lab and released as a young juvie.
they have been castrated, and are being studied in case they can regenerate completely without human intervention.

They grew larger than most kentros, reaching the dimensions of a Stegosaurus Stenops.
Like other Biolumen, Dawn lacks eyes, they use echolocation, hearing and smell to orient themselves.
They present a 2ft long scar running on their left flank from the hip towards the second pair of ribs. Scientists in charge of monitoring them didn’t identify the attacker but they suppose it was carnivorous biolumen. The wound is around 4 months old.

Dawn is agender, but she will accept she/her pronouns.

Dawn was later free in a malfunction of her pen and they managed to live free in a forest for 2 years before an Eldritch Deity snagged them, gave them sentience and speech and sent them through time and released them in the 21st century.
They were gifted to another monster so that the later felt they had a friend.
Dawn’s relation with their new partner is tense, it goes from rivalry to “brotherly feistiness”.
they perform their missions together and test each other’s skills.
Morningtar can be a bit of a douchebag some times