


4 months, 8 days ago


  • adult inheritance slot: 1/1
  • pps inheritance slot 2/2
  • Impulsive, ungrateful, selfish bastard.
  • Has a huge ego and doesn't like to think he is ever wrong.
  • Very materialistic, loving anything expensive. 
  • Generally speaking, has horrible taste in art. 
  • But takes pride in his actually-impressive rose garden.
  • Happenstance became the King because he matched the description of the savior that a town's god said would come to save them.
  • He was only in that town because he accidentally killed his brother and fled his hometown. 
  • Eldest son is Lityerses, daughter Zoë, and youngest another son Anchurus*.
    • Lityerses became a bloodthirsty, aggressive swordsman. He challenged people to harvesting contests and beheaded those he beat, putting the rest of their bodies in the sheaves. He was also known as the "Reaper of Men." One source describes him as a glutton who could eat "three asses' panniers" of food and drink "a ten-amphora cask" of wine at a time.
    • "Midas consulted the oracle about how the opening might be closed and he was commanded to throw into it the most precious thing he possessed. He accordingly threw into it a great quantity of gold and silver, but when the chasm still did not close, his son Anchurus, thinking that life was the most precious of all things, mounted his horse and leapt into the chasm, which closed immediately."
  • Was cursed with three tails when he judged a music contest between a hotheaded god and a fae?