Frost bite Rosethorn



3 months, 29 days ago


Name: Frost bite Rosethorn ( goes by frost) 

Age: 29
Gender: Female
Sexuality: lesbian
Species: Tabaxi
Personality: calm, relaxed, a very "never judge a book by its cover" mind set and likes to see the best in others. That being said she is very smart and accolated, If she knows something is up she will be very on guard. Tends to be very straight forward and blunt. is bad at flirting and also has no fucking idea when she's being flirted with most the time
Height: 6'5

Class: Fighter/cleric 


Grow up with her own pack in the middle of no where. Growing up wasn't easy and her as well as all her siblings learned from a young age how to pull their own weight. For frost this wasn't bad she always enjoyed hard work and helping others. She was always first to offer help and always made sure everyone else was done before she relaxed even when little. As she got older it was made clear the group was getting too big and the area couldn't house or feed so many. The leaders ended up making agreement with the near by wealthy families and agreed to give up some of their younger, stronger kin in exchange to use more land. Frost was given over to one of the families, the rose thorns, who mostly wanted her to show of their "new exotic kid". Frost did not fight against this and was happy to do whatever it takes to make sure her own family was able to survive. It was only a year after living here a new kid was also adopted into the family, Edwin, who she quickly became close to seeing as they both came to this new family with nothing. He refused to tell her much about his lift before moving here but she was just happy to have a friend to talk to.  She's always tried her best to be his voice of reason and has managed to do so often however she was not a fan of his sneaking out and partying. Even as a teen she has been a older spirit and "motherly" to others.

Adopted family names- The Rose-thorns 

-Mother ( Dark Elven) - Keya

-Father ( Dark Elven) -Hagwin 

- Step brother ( Dark Elven)- Folwin 

-Step brother (tefling) - Edwin 


  • Will act motherly to others without realizing it ( will lick her thumb and clean that mark of your face) 
  • Will always do what is best for others around her even if it means getting herself hurt. 
  • Very cat like. She purrs when happy and will growl when angry. 
  • Neutral good. as much as she likes to follow the law she understands the law isn't always going to help people. rules have to be broken some times to keep people safe. 
  • Sees Edwin as a brother but doesn't little to push it incase he doesn't feel the same 
  • Speaks very formal around anyone in a higher power or family (apart from edwin) 
  • Favors the two sided axe but also knows long swords', hammers and polearms 
  • Follows Torm