


5 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info

Side Jobs (?)

She models for magazines, but only because she is a famous musician


Singing and dancing (has an eye for fasion)

Best Friends

Karagaya, Ruri, & Yamako



Name Ayume
Gen/Pronouns Female (She/Her)
Project Title Lovely Rejection
Height 5'4"
ID # 013
Occupation Musician
Species Android
Age 24
Hair Color Pink
Eye Color Light Gray


  • Meeting fans
  • Performing
  • Shopping/Going out
  • Expensive restaurants


  • Being ignored
  • Assuptious tabloids
  • Long rides
  • Interacting with Maddox and/or Ryan




Ayume was accidentally coded with an obsessive trait. This means that when she becomes interested in a topic, she will likely let it totally consume her. On one hand, this could be detrimental, as it doesn not restrict itself to activities. Luckily this rarely activates and thus far she has only found herself infatuated with Craze and music.


It comes as a surprise to many people that Ayume is so organized. Everything has an order, from her clothing to the time at which she completes a task. Her neatness is even reflected in her writing!


It's a stretch to say that Ayume has a superiority complex, but an ever bigger stretch to call her shy! Ayume has no problem standing up for herself, and often dresses in outfits that altough modest, are eye-catching.


Ayume is, as stated on the first page, an adroid. She was origionally designed to be a cold but confident musician; she was to be the perfect girlfriend with no lover to ruin her datable appearance. Betweent the time of her first surgery and the intended release date, Kaigi Corp. (her "manufacturer") hit rock bottom, and she was forgotten in one of their locations. Years after cancellation, Dr.N approached her hybarnating body in an attempt to complete her design. He was in over his head and unable to finish the job before authoritites caught wind and chased him away. Years later, once Karagaya (another android) was awakened, he showed up to complete Ayume himself. He tried to repair the issues that Dr.N had created, but was only partially successful. Regardless, Ayume opted to stay in the city of her activation, and eventually learned to thrive as a popular celebirty.

An Encounter With Her "Family"

Soon after activation, Karagaya gave her the rundown of the Kaigi Corp. lore. He explained to her that their android-ness was to remain a secret because projects were banned years ago. Karagaya was far from feeling human, but he thought Ayume was far worse. The way she moved and sounded was unnaturally stiff; robotic, if you will. During their conversation they were approached by a person that only Karagaya could recognize: a young man with white hair, pink eyes, and stiches that marked every distortion of his skin. He was angry, ranting about how they were upstaging him in an effort to win over his father! He refered to both androids as siblings, but Karagaya was adament about denying the accusation. In the end, it was Ayume's sudden shift into a cheery persona that allowed for a de-escalation of the situation. It was the first sign of a personality, but it was a complete lie. Ayume would feel no genuine emotion for months to come, but she learned to mimic it, staring with so-called siblings. Maddox --the mystery boy that approached them-- is to this day, the only one who dubs the three of them a siblings. Ayume and Karagaya have denied the theory several times, but their reasoning falls on deaf ears.

Love at First Sight

In attempt to counter-act her innate disinterest for life, Ayume was coded with an obsessive trait. It was activated upon seeing Craze, and has since been head-overheels for him. Altough on the outside they may look like the average outgoing-girl and broody-boy couple, be assured that it is her mostly her intsene infatuation with him that actively keeps them together. Ayume will likely never stop feeling this way about him.



Craze [ Boyfriend ]

Her favorite person in the whole damn world. Ayume felt bad about calling him Craze and nowadays calls him by the nickname 'Cris' sometimes. She's obsesed with him, opting to believe that he carries the emptiness for the both of them. On the bright side, Ayume has successfully started teaching Craze morals, and they both seem content to be living the lives that they are right now.


Karagaya [ Friend • "Brother" ]

Like Ayume, Karagaya is also an android originally created by Kaigi Labs. In fact, Karagaya was the one to complete and awaken Ayume. They've been friends ever since and often check up on one another. Since entering the music industry, they've had several colaborations, most of them very successful! Since being an adroid comes with (illegal) maintenance, they even share the same repair-woman!


Ryan [ Enemy ]

After recieving a mysterious message from an unknown android, met up with and discovered them to be Ryan! ...who immediatly tried rushing Ayume into a fight. Ayume harbors intense feelings of hatred and confusion toward Ryan, who injuring her beloved during said fight. She hopes to never see him ever again, but is constantly pestered by Craze into trying to learn more about him.

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