☆DNI List + Boundaries



4 months, 6 days ago


Do not interact

Never interact with me if:

  • You are 30+ years old (unless I know you personally)
  • You are homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, racist, sexist, ect.
  • I have blocked you/you are on my blacklist. This should be obvious
  • You support or are a proshipper/comshipper
  • You are into weird shit (f3tishes, z00ph*lia, p3d0ph*lia, weird kinks, etc.)
  • Your account profile is set to mature
  • You have unflagged NSFW on your account
  • You draw NSFW featuring feral or underaged characters or are a minor and publicly draw NSFW
  • You support problematic people (you know who I mean, I'm not going to directly mention anyone)
  • You steal/copy/trace/ect art/designs without permission
  • You're a "furry hater"/"anti fur" or whatever
  • You're just here to be a dick


You can interact but I will be wary of you if:

  • ~ Your pfp (profile picture) is suggestive
  • ~ You own characters or have designed characters that contain NSFW content
  • ~ You are over the age of 20


Please keep in mind that I am aromantic, asexual and a minor.

My boundaries:

  • Don't flirt with me, even jokingly — it makes me very uncomfortable. The only exception is if I give you permission to, this would be exclusively as joke flirting
  • Directing that "alpha daddy loves you kitten" type stuff at me even as a joke makes me uncomfortable (and it's annoying af sorry)
  • Don't call me "hot" or "sexy" or anything like that (EVEN as a joke)... "pretty" is fine though
  • Making fun of me as a joke is fine but only if I know you (friends n mutuals), otherwise you may come off a rude (unless in the situation I have made it obviously clear it's silly)
  • I don't block people for no reason. If I block you, do not attempt to reach out to me

If I feel uncomfortable, I will let you know, but failure to respect my boundaries will lead to a block and potential blacklist.