
5 years, 9 months ago


species: wolf

relationship:  dating taylor

gender: male

powers: he has ability to change one of his eyes for smart vision (it does not hurt him) it gives him better hearing, read peoples minds and thoughts for short time, and make him see little bit further, he able to hacker more easier and have faster hacking speed. he also learn some water spells from the witchdoctor group for his smart vision eye and use it incase he is attacked he can heal scars quicker 

likes: watching movies, video games, cooking, cleaning, being a neat freak

dislikes: rude people, very very cold weather like 0 degrees and negative degrees, dirty rooms, 

occupation: he works in the furforce on the securo hacker team

favorite food: tacos, fried rice, pancakes

friends: everyone in the peaceful forest

best friends: tim, oscar, whisper, toxic kitty, phantom