Nyuki Dadant



5 years, 10 months ago


Nyuki Dadant

Last Edited: 15/03/2021

Name Nyu

Born Jan 21 2992

Orientation Bisexual

Occupation Navigator

Relationship Dating Lea


SHIP Fat!Bee


Theme info

Nyuki "Nyu" Dadant is the current Navigator on the Fat!Bee(Apis mellifera model), an insect-class ship Piloted by Lea Rayment. He became the navigator back in 3009.

Nyu is rather shy and often keeps in the background while Lea takes charge.

SPOILER WARNING - earlier life

Nyu was born on a planet, and grew up in a smaller coast town together with a few of his siblings and his grandparents.

His parents are diplomats from one of the Candidate planets, who send their youngest son to the Academy in the hopes that this would further their planets chances of joining the Core. He has plenty of older siblings, who have all joined their parents as diplomats.

After THE INCIDENT he left the Academy and became the Navigator of the Fat!Bee together with Lea.


Nyu is currently the Navigator of the Fat!Bee, which means he selects the best possible routes towards whatever planet they might want to go to. He doesn't keep up with Union meetings, and often just stays in the background while Lea talks to people.

Nyu doesn't keep tab on his family, but his family tries to keep tabs on him, however well he might be hidden.

Personal Life

calm, shy, supportive reluctant, hesitant, overprotective







Nyu is the best at calming down Lea and bringing her back down when angry.

Hesitant to meet new people, deeply loyal and trusting towards those that have earned his trust



  • Snuggling with Lea.
  • Calm days
  • Rain
  • Miniture Models
  • Bartering.


  • Loud noises.
  • Having to talk to strangers
  • Being alone
  • Thunderstorms


  • Hes surprisingly good at fishing
  • Nyus favorite color is Leas eye color
  • Despite his shyness, most people take a liking to him very fast


Erlea Rayment,, 14th of May, 3008

His long-term partner both in love and in crime. While Lea is the loud and confident one, Nyu is the calm and shy one. They are rarely apart for longer than an hour, and seem to be attached at the hips at times.

Character, date.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer id porttitor massa. Phasellus ut ipsum massa. Praesent viverra metus orci, in vestibulum nisl tincidunt et. Aliquam sagittis imperdiet diam, ac varius ante fermentum nec. Integer felis ligula, placerat at ullamcorper consectetur, mattis ac urna. Nulla vestibulum mollis arcu ac malesuada. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis interdum lacinia congue. Vestibulum ac ornare justo. Vivamus eu elit ac mi tristique pulvinar ac id nisi.

Character, date.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer id porttitor massa. Phasellus ut ipsum massa. Praesent viverra metus orci, in vestibulum nisl tincidunt et. Aliquam sagittis imperdiet diam, ac varius ante fermentum nec. Integer felis ligula, placerat at ullamcorper consectetur, mattis ac urna. Nulla vestibulum mollis arcu ac malesuada. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis interdum lacinia congue. Vestibulum ac ornare justo. Vivamus eu elit ac mi tristique pulvinar ac id nisi.