[4-8 USD] Lil Guy Headshots



Buy one and get one for a female-identifying character for free! Character must use feminine pronouns (ex. she/her) or feminine nouns (ex. woman/girl). Feminine body shapes =/= female-identifying!
Alternatively, buy one for a female-identifying character and get 2 other female-identifying character icons for free!

Lil Guy Headshots

4 USD - Flatcolor
8 USD - Full Color
+2 USD for very Asymmetrical Designs
Asymmetrical bangs or scars do not count. Only massive accessories like a sideways mask, completely asymmetrical hairstyle, or completely asymmetrical face count!

Can Do:
- Original Characters
- Fandom Characters
- Canon Characters
- Flat-faced Anthros
- Humans
- Humanoids
- Complex Designs (simplified)
- Mecha (simplified)

Won't Do:
- Extremely Complex Designs
- NSFW (they're headshots but still)
- Mecha (unsimplified)

Comment or DM to order with the character you'd like and the expression you want.
Turnaround time is 2-7 days!