Ezra's Comments

Sis and Carl are both too lazy to open their th but Sis suggests Elias and Carl suggeste Tobias ((meanwhile I have no own ideas except like Chris maybe but I support Elias too)

hnnngh... sorry but none of them clicked with me :'c
Also I have a megane Tobias in that world already... it's Nexor www

dawww XDD Sis suggests James now and Carl Romeo www

Sis also just suggests naming him Megane bc that sticks too much bc I kept on calling him that (( so rr y))


Sorry... but those didn't really convince me either ;v;

Wow. Woooow w but i decline that idea sorry www

Sshhh all good

shhhh its ok//huggles ♡

wwww its ok bby i think it was a jike ww

/back ;;;

...not sure about that