Klepto's Comments

I'd love to buy him.I saw he was listed as 10$ on the server. IF hes still available that is may I snag him? I get paid every monday.

He is still available!! Though he is no longer $10, that was an emergency price cause i really needed the money lmao

I am willing to drop the price down a little if your still interested:))

Id love to <3 ive been picky on my new wolf OC's and hes so perfect for the color scheme ive always wanted ;;x;; Lemme know what your willing to do for him and Ill snag him if I am able <3 I can even do some art work for some of your OC's with the $$$ price tag as well.

Im willing to drop him down to 20 or 15!!

And perhaps a small bit of art for one of my ocs if thats okay with you:)

Super cute characters!! I didn't see anyone I would really use though https://toyhou.se/21775525.for-offersgore-warning this guy almost got me lmao

Thank you so much for the offer have a good day/night!! <33

of course! have a wonderful week <3 (id be happy to discuss anything else if you ever change ur mind on them <3 )