Sharry B. De Vreese



3 months, 15 days ago


Mercutio's ex-wife, mother of Cattlya and Tealia 

Works as a publicist and talent agent. Works with Xitlali and Hermiris and helps spread the gossip around, uses it as an opportunity to boost her daughter's musical career.

Got into a rather depressive state after Cattie left them and being with a husband who obviously wasnt in love with her. 

It made Sharry become very sour and aggressive, which lead to pushing Xitlali and Herm to push for more crude and sensational headlines, which resulted in a couple of bad things: one being Dollie's banishment being made for the whole country to see.

Sharry planned a divorce, but with a baby on the way, Merc made her stay with him until she gave birth so he could keep their daughter. Sharry objected to this but due to Merc's position as an Aristocrat, it was no contest.

Sharry continues to live in the vampire world and continues her work, though she has become very distant from everyone in her circles.