kumi kokuyo



3 months, 16 days ago


kumi kokuyo

i'll beat you one day...i promise
kumi kokuyo
rōmajikokuyo kumi
character info
also known as"umi-chan" - oikawa"
"bundle of joy" - her brother [teasingly]
date of birthdecember 21, 1994
age17 (2012)
height175 cm (5'9") - (2012)
weight59 kg (132 lbs) - (2012)
occupationhigh school student (3rd year, class 4) - 2012
affiliationaoba johsai high
positionopposite hitter/ace/wing spiker
age23 (2018)
26 (2021)
height177 cm (5'10") (2018)
179 cm (5'10.5") (2021)
weight63 kg (139 lbs) (2018)
64 kg (142 lbs) (2021)
occupationopposite hitter/wing spiker
background information
familyrui kokuyo [older brother]
mentioned parents
goalwin against kanoka
likesumaibo cheese flavor
flavored lip gloss
home townmiyagi prefecture
home countryjapan
debut information
in the mangareunion and failure
in the animean interesting team
seiyū information
voice actormiyuki sawashiro
english actoremily neves

kumi kokuyo (japanese: 黒夜空見, kokuyo kumi) is a fan character for the haikyū!! series by haruichi furudate. for majority of the series kumi was a third year at aoba johsai and was an opposite hitter and the ace of the girl's volleyball team. 

during the final arc, kumi is living in brazil. she continued volleyball after high school and is a part of brazil's national women's team. 

throughout her third year, kumi stood at 175 CM. she has dark messy hair that goes down to her shoulders with messed up bangs that end slightly above her black eyes. she is mostly seen with a neutral expression across her face. during school hours, kumi wears the school's uniform; a lavender shirt, a cream sweater, a khaki skirt with brown details, and a red ribbon. at times she also wears cream-white leg warmers that go over her brown school shoes. she chooses to not wear the white blazer. during practice she wears a white shirt and pale blue shorts with white volleyball shoes. in matches she wears the girl's volleyball uniform, black knee pads, and white shoes. out of matches, she wears the same things as during matches but wears her vbc jacket over. outside of school, she prefers to wear streetwear clothing.

post time-skip, kumi pretty much looks the same but is seen wearing her hair in a ponytail most of the time. she has also gotten tan from being in the sun for so long.

some words to describe kumi would be; quiet, petty, and determined. she lacks people skills and her only friends are the girls on the volleyball team and some of oikawa's friends. even though she doesn't like people as much, she still tries to be respectful. sometimes she cares too much about small things and not enough for things that actually matter. she really cares about volleyball. during matches or practice she is seen to be very determined and works hard to become the best. every move she takes has meaning and she seems to know what she's doing. 

after high school, kumi looks to be much friendlier but even more determined; often working so hard during practices to the point she becomes ill or injured. many think that from spending so much time with hinata in brazil, his personality is reflecting onto hers.


kumi has always been amazed with volleyball. when she was a young kid she would watch volleyball games on television all the time. during junior high she picked up the sport and really enjoyed it; finding it as just a fun hobby. at an afterschool practice at kitagawa daiichi, she met oikawa who was asking her to join him and iwaizumi in a mini game. she found oikawa annoying at first but agreed, mostly 'cause her friend had left already. she was able to get in good practice but was not very fond of oikawa. 

in her 1st year at seijoh, she was not pleased to find oikawa in the hallways, he immediately spotted her in the crowd of kids trying to get to their classes and called out to her. she wasn't trying to, but she shot him a dirty look and walked over to her first class. she had decided to join the girl's volleyball team so after school that day she headed over to the volleyball gym. and of course, oikawa had to be there, too. she sighed and tried to not make herself noticeable but he was still able to spot her, talking to some other first years and they soon all made their way towards her. she was standing in the corner of the gym, waiting for the coaches to come out to start practice and gather new-comers. not wanting to seem rude to the others, she said "hi" but didn't try to make any more conversation with them. it was pretty awkward for her. when the coaches finally came out she handed in all her paperwork and received papers with info and other agreement form.

2nd year, not much is new. last year, the girl's team almost made it to the nationals but lost to niiyama. she starts to get more friends from the volleyball team and becomes more fond of oikawa, sometimes eating lunch with him and his friends. 

karasuno high team formation arc

kumi is seen on the 2nd floor of the gym, spectating the karasuno v seijoh practice match. she watches hinata and kageyama's moves and takes notes of it to later hand to oikawa, hoping it would be of help a bit. 

interhigh arc

kumi is at the interhigh's with her team, sitting in the hallway preparing for their first game. she starts to walk around the building, trying to warm her legs up a bit and bumps into hanamaki and matsukawa; soon wishing them good luck and moving on. the last two teams are seijoh and niiyama, and niiyama ends up winning. almost everyone on the team stays for spring though.

spring high preliminary arc

kumi is in the halls preparing again, hoping to win this time. aoba johsai girl's made it to the last two, the competition to see who makes it to nationals. it's aoba johsai v niiyama again. it's a close game but niiyama wins. when going to shake hands, kumi promises kanoka that she will beat her one day and runs back to the team.

tokyo nationals arc

kumi was seen watching the inarizaki v karasuno match on her television. in later chapters of the manga she also watches nekoma v karasuno and karasuno v kamomedai.

final arc

after high school, kumi moves to brazil to pursue her professional career in volleyball. during oikawa's trip to rio, him and kumi are able to catch up a bit before they go their own ways. oikawa later sends her a selfie of him and hinata and kumi instantly recognizes the ginger. the next day, oikawa brings kumi to hinata and the two formally meet. 

as of 2016, she's been an opposite hitter for brazil's womens volleyball team, playing in the olympics multiple times and is a part of a division 1 team.

middle school statistics



game sense



high school statistics



game sense



post timeskip statistics



game sense




kumi has good stamina and game sense. in middle school she mainly lacked in jump but was able to improve during high school. in high school she gets better game sense and technique, explaining why all her moves have meaning and count towards something else. by the time she goes professional she becomes more powerful, has more stamina, and is pretty speedy; she still is not the best at jumping though.

height and reach:
  • april 2012:
    • jumping reach: 302 cm
    • fingertip height: 223 cm
  • november 2012:
    • jumping reach: 303 cm
  • post-timeskip:
    • jumping reach: 328 cm


post-timeskip skills parameter

serve reception






aoba johsai

[oikawa] • when they first met kumi thought oikawa was annoying. she still finds him annoying but they're somewhat friends. at first she did not like him that much. over the years she grew to tolerate him though. kumi's parents enjoy having oikawa around and think he's..interesting.., after high school they become more friendly towards each other and visit eachother frequently.

[iwaizumi] • she likes him. he's the only reason why kumi can tolerate oikawa.. kumi doesn't talk to him a lot but finds it funny when he calls oikawa names. they were kind of close during junior high.

[hanamaki + matsukawa] • acquaintances. she's talked to them a bit. when she eats lunch with oikawa they're normally at the table aswell.

[kindaichi + kunimi] • kumi thinks they're cute. they don't bother her as much, which she is thankful for.


[hinata] • after oikawa introduces the two during the time-skip they become pretty good friends. when hinata comes back to brazil to play professionally the two are seen in public a lot.

[kageyama] • she felt bad for him in junior high. throughout high school she forgot about him though.


[kanoka] • she doesn't like nor dislike kanoka. kanoka got scared when kumi promised to her that she would beat her one day. kumi just wants to win a game against her.


  • [rui kokuyo]: siblings. rui likes to tease kumi a lot. even if they don't seem like it, they truly love eachother. rui was upset when kumi told him that she was going to move to brazil, but he still supported her no matter what. they get to meet up during the olympics. they're a pretty famous duo during the time-skip.

  • high school concern: oikawa's outfit.
  • current concern: her knees crack whenever she stands up.
  • favorite food: umaibo [cheese or sugar flavor]
  • star sign is sagittarius
  • nomenclature:
    • 空見. means "emptiness + see"
    • 黒夜. means "black night"
  • her birthday, december 21 is the start of winter solstice/ the darkest day of the year
  • her and her brother share a jersey number in the timeskip. [he plays for japan while she plays for brazil though] [#6]