Ivalo Cyren



3 months, 16 days ago


Info Panel
Basic info _
Name Ivalo Cyren
Race/species Coydog
Gender Male, He/Him
Age and Birthday 17, 10/31/1987
Height 5'6
Occupation Rhythm Guitarist
About _

Ivalo, at the age of 17, radiates an air of youthful exuberance and untapped potential. Life for him is a canvas waiting to be painted with the vibrant strokes of passion and intensity that permeate every fiber of his being. His fervor is not just a personal flame but a contagious fire that ignites within those fortunate enough to share his orbit. Thriving on nonconformity, Ivalo wears his punk bravado with a rebellious flair. Yet, beneath this exterior, he approaches life with a unsophisticated curiosity — an insatiable hunger to explore new ideas, experiences, and perspectives. Every day is an adventure, and Ivalo is eager to uncover the beauty in the unconventional.

But it's not just the pursuit of excitement that defines Ivalo; it's the beating heart of compassion and empathy beneath his rebellious exterior. Fiercely loyal to his friends and bandmates, he becomes a pillar of unwavering support and understanding in times of need. Standing up for what he believes in, he lends his voice to causes that resonate with his values, advocating for those who may struggle to find their own. Ivalo's insatiable drive and ambition act as a compass guiding him toward leaving an indelible mark on the world. Whether he's immersing himself in honing his musical skills, passionately advocating for social change, or pouring his creativity into various endeavors, he approaches each challenge with determination and a relentless pursuit of excellence.
Vulnerability is not a weakness for Ivalo but a source of strength. He is unafraid to show his true self, flaws and imperfections included. To him, these are integral parts of his identity, pieces of a puzzle that, when put together, form a unique and authentic whole. Adding yet another layer to his dynamic personality is his penchant for clever banter and dry humor. Sarcasm becomes both a defense mechanism and a tool to diffuse tension in tense situations. Ivalo's quick wit and playful banter add a layer of depth and charm, endearing him to friends and fans alike. Life's absurdities are not lost on him, and he uses humor as a way to navigate its complexities.


Ivalo has a large enjoyment for discovering new music across various genres, from punk rock and alternative to indie and experimental. He spends hours scouring record stores and online platforms, always on the lookout for hidden gems and underground bands.

Few things exhilarate Ivalo more than the raw energy and adrenaline rush of a live music performance. Whether it's attending local gigs in intimate venues or playing his own shows he adores on the electrifying atmosphere and communal spirit of live music.
Ivalo is drawn to the DIY ethos of punk rock, where creativity knows no bounds and individuals take matters into their own hands. A devout advocate for DIY culture, he often creates his own band merchandise alongside the merch for his own band. He appreciates the authenticity and self-expression that DIY culture embodies.
As someone with a abundance of curiosity, Ivalo loves to explore new ideas, places, and experiences. Whether it's a hidden underground venue or a abandoned building, he finds joy in discovering the unknown.

Whether it's social injustice or inequality, Ivalo harbors a strong dislike for situations where fairness and equality are compromised. He advocates for justice and uses his platform to address societal issues.

Ivalo is put off by a lack of passion and enthusiasm. Whether in music, endeavors, or even just in life in general, he values individuals who approach life with sense of purpose and a similar intensity and fervor.

He dislikes negativity, pessimism, and toxic energy, preferring to surround himself with like-minded individuals.

Ivalo feels stifled in overly formal or rigid environments where creativity is suppressed and individuality is frowned upon. He prefers casual, laid-back settings where he can be himself without feeling judged or restricted.

Ivalo harbors a distaste for the commercialization of music, where authenticity is often sacrificed for mass appeal. He prefers underground scenes where artists can express themselves freely without the pressures of commercial success. He has the ability to feel this way about his own band at times, unafraid to share his opinions to his fellow bandmates and interviewers.

Story _

Born into a family of music enthusiasts, Ivalo was immersed in an eclectic mix of punk rock and alternative sounds from an early age, thanks in large part to the influence of his older brother, Valencia. Growing up surrounded by the raw energy of punk, Ivalo quickly developed a profound love for the music that shaped his formative years.From the moment he could pick up a guitar, he was eager to explore the infinite possibilities of chords and melodies. His passion for music only deepened as he grew older.

As Ivalo's passion for music blossomed, so too did his desire to pursue a career in the industry, following in the footsteps of his brother and other musical idols. By the age of 14, he had already formed his own bands, honing his skills and laying the groundwork for his future endeavors. Joining Nine Daydream in 2004 at 16 was the realization of a lifelong dream for Ivalo — a chance to play alongside his brother and contribute his talents to a group that he had long admired, marking the beginning of a thrilling chapter in his journey. Each rehearsal and performance with the band fills Ivalo with a sense of purpose and fulfillment, fueling his passion for music and driving him to new heights of creativity and expression.

However, the dream didn't come without its challenges. As the youngest member of the band, Ivalo grapples with the growing popularity of the group and the demands that come with it presents it's own set of stresses. Navigating the intricate dynamics of band and tour life, and mastering complex riffs proved to be a learning curve for the young guitarist . These challenges become invaluable lessons in perseverance, teamwork, and the essential art of staying true to oneself and opportunities for growth. Amidst the chaos of fame and the relentless pace of tour life, Ivalo remains resilient and determined. Fueled by an unwavering passion for music and bolstered by the support of his brother and bandmates, he confronts each obstacle with a spirit that reflects both his youth and his unyielding commitment to his craft. With eyes set on the future, Ivalo embraces the challenges that lie ahead, ready to carve out his own path to success in the vast landscape of the music industry.

Stage Presence

When Ivalo steps onto the stage, he brings with him an intense energy that fills the venue with electricity. He's a force to be reckoned with, radiating a raw and unbridled passion for music that captivates audiences from the first chord to the last. His movements are uninhibited and full of kinetic energy. Taking inspiration from his brother, he's constantly in motion, whether he's thrashing about with his guitar or jumping into the crowd to get up close and personal with those in it and interactions with fellow bandmates onstage. Every movement is purposeful and charged with emotion, reflecting the intensity of the music and the depth of Ivalo's connection to it.

Trivia _
  • Ivalo's earliest musical influences include punk and alternative rock bands from many different eras, shaping his distinctive sound and style. Bands like The Misfits, Black Flag, Descendents and Green Day played a crucial role in inspiring his musical journey.
  • His photography is a reflection of his love for storytelling, his commitment expression, and his desire to document and share meaningful moments with the world. Through his lens, he captures the essence of the band's journey and the beauty of life's fleeting moments, leaving behind a visual legacy, creating a visual archive that serves as a testament to their shared experiences and achievements. Ivalo shares his pictures with fans through myspace.
  • In his energetic stage presence, Ivalo is not afraid to push the boundaries when it comes to performance. He's been known to incorporate acrobatic stunts like a backbend into his live shows.
    • He also usually tends to end up on the floor of the stage during his preformances.
Design _
Hair+ Makeup Ivalo's hair is a tousled mess of dyed dark locks against his natural much lighter colour, styled in unkempt ways. The sides of his hair are shaved close to the scalp, creating a sharp contrast with the longer black dyed strip on top, going down to the nape of his neck. Ivalo's signature makeup look features smudged eyeliner, applied around his eyes to create a bold effect.
Piercings A silver or black hoop adorns Ivalo's right nostril, complimenting his style. The nostril ring adds a touch of edge to his facial features. Both of Ivalo's ears are stretched with black gauges at a 15.8 mm.
Clothes Ivalo often sports vintage band t-shirts featuring iconic punk and alternative bands. These shirts are worn-in and faded, a testament to his love for the music that inspires him. Distressed denim jackets add a rugged edge to his look. Patched with band logos, pins, and DIY patches. Slim-fitting skinny jeans in dark washes or distressed finishes are Ivalo's go-to bottoms. Paired with some scuffed- up Converse sneakers. Ivalo's accessories include studded leather belts with bold buckles and clip-on belt chains, he doesn't wear many accessories, maybe sometimes a silver chain necklace or loose tie alongside fingerless gloves.
Electric Guitar The finish of Ivalo's Epiphone Les Paul is distinctive, often featuring a worn or distressed appearance. Scuffs, scratches, and worn edges tell a story of countless performances on it's white finish, each mark a testament to the passion and intensity with which he wields his instrument. The battle scars only add to the guitar's character and authenticity.
Design notes
  • Piercings are not optional
  • The overarching theme for Ivalo's character design is punk-rock with a touch of DIY ethos. His appearance, clothing, accessories, and overall aesthetic should reflect his passion for music, his rebellious spirit, and his commitment to self-expression.
  • Personal touches such as DIY decals or customized pickguards can be added to his guitar, can vary with full creative freedom there.
Relationships _
Valencia Cyren Half-brother, Bandmate

As Valencia's younger brother, Ivalo's' journey into the world of music was a natural progression, guided by the influence and encouragement of his older sibling. From a young age, He found inspiration in the music that Valencia would listen to. Those late-night shows that Valencia would drag him along to became pivotal moments in his musical upbringing. Alongside a brother, Valencia was his mentor, confidant, and his biggest supporter, they have a unbreakable bond.


Character name (Relationship)

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus


Character Name (relationship)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus.


Character Name (relationship)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus.


Character Name (relationship)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus.


Character Name (relationship)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus.


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