Quove Callison



3 months, 30 days ago


Quove Callison
Reserved Violinist
Please just let me go back, I'm begging of you.
Quove Callison
Vivillon (Savanna Pattern)

Biromantic asexual

5'7" / 170.18 cm
Resident/Violin Hobbyist
Santalune Forest, Kalos (Former) / District 14, Timewinder's Domain (Current)


Asking around about Quove will result in very vague responses to no answer at all. She is incredibly reserved and has rarely been seen leaving her residence, meaning that many of the people in her district hardly know of her existence, the name from the sign outside her house at most.

Despite her lack of appearance, some neighbors have commented that they can hear music coming from inside, specifically, the violin. This drove some more curious strangers to try and find out who she is, to no avail, but some have resorted to leaving their window ajar at night to listen. More will be added.

  • Her family
  • Music / String Instruments
  • Glowing Decorations
  • Timewinder
  • Autumn
  • Loud Ambiance
Happiness [ 15% ]
Extraversion [ 5% ]
Politeness [ 90% ]
Sensibility [ 60% ]
Intelligence [ 75% ]

  • Quove was one of the first ones to be taken to TW's from a world outside of the two targeted ones.
  • She arrived in the domain at the youngest possible age she could without being accompanied by family: 14 years old.
  • In her current state, Quove has been weakened physically. Her strength is naturally double what it is now.
  • She is an extremely family-oriented person in spite of having no contact with them for the past thirteen years.
  • Supposedly, she was much more energetic as a child. Wonder what happened!
  • Lawful Neutral / INFP-T
design by Sundialle
Design Notes

  • The 'top' and skirt portion of Quove's outfit are all part of the same dress, they just look visually separated.
  • She has very light freckles that are only found on her face, shoulders, and arms.
  • Her hair type is 3A.
  • The antennae on her head moves/changes position based on her emotions, including twitching while dreaming or trying to register something.

Aspen...? Older Sister?

Aspen is a name that is familiar but oh so distant to Quove. Her beloved older sister, the family member she was closest to. She's sure of that much at least, but it's hard to place much information when she can only barely remember what they look like. (Belongs to Icicle)

[?] Toleration

Though most take the hint and tend to leave her alone, Quove has noticed one girl who tends to stop by more than the others. She'd find the persistency bothersome, but she also can't be too angry at attempts to be friendly. She's considered giving in and properly greeting the girl before, and maybe one day she will.

Timewinder Hatred

Much of Quove's distaste for Timewinder stems from fear rather than any kind of wrongdoing on Timewinder's end. However, having the ability to reunite Quove with her family and yet refusing to do so has made her utterly despise them. In her eyes, anyone in authority with half the power she has is automatically to be feared, and anyone as reckless with it is not to be trusted.