


2 months, 10 days ago


biography status: wipHZsauz7.png design value: 45 USD / 60 CAD HZsauz7.pngtotal art commissions: 10 USD / 14 CAD HZsauz7.pngoc status: not for sale/trade 

Hiyashi Hikaru / Lin Jinguang
"forest" "gold" "light" 
林光 / 林锦光

This Japanese samurai hails from a prestigious noble family. His father saved a exiled Chinese princess who had been marked by assassins. Since meeting Hikaru's father, she had been under his protection and the two fell in love in the years of youth. Hikaru had been born shortly after his parents marriage and he had always longed to discover the motherland that his mother hails from. Her folk songs, poems and literacy inspired him to one day travel to the land when he is old enough to protect himself. Though, she constantly warns him to be wary of the current reign of the Emperor, her overzealous and narcissistic father.

It is the Hiyashi family secret that anyone of this noble blood has the ability to charm and communicate with beasts. Whenever Hikaru trained in his family estate's forest and mountains, he is always visited by critters and animals. Somehow he is able to understand their thoughts, emotions and feelings. Though he cannot comprehend the nature of animal instinct and the cycle of life, peace remains between the beasts and the Hasyashi boy whenever he treads through the land. 


you may not steal this pixel art as this is a commission. ty.