


3 months, 15 days ago



NAME: Cyro
AGE: 25
FRAME: IPS-N Raleigh


Trained as a pilot from childhood, Cyro possesses a remarkable memory and determination. Despite facing bullying and teasing due to his small stature and sensitive nature, Cyro's friendship with Iska provided him with strength and support. He graduated as a licensed pilot at the young age of 16, achieving success in his career until a tragic death at 20. Cloned by the corporation to preserve his talents, Cyro struggles with haunting memories of his past demise, yearning for peace and closure. His journey is marked by a desire to rediscover his true self and reunite with his lost friend, Iska.


Cyro possesses striking features, including pale skin, black hair, and captivating ruby eyes. Unfortunately, he acquired a scar on his right eye as a result of a frame piloting accident. Despite being an Ectomorph, Cyro has built some impressive muscles through his arduous training regimen. He stands at a height of approximately 177 cm, and his body is riddled with scars from the accident. The scars on the left side of his torso extend to his back, and his arms and legs bear scars of varying sizes. Additionally, there seem to be some scars on his left wrist.


Radiant Remembrance.

── "Iska... Is my name dumb... why do they always laugh at my name?"
 Cyro's voice quivered with uncertainty as tears welled up in his eyes.

── "Nonsense! Don't pay any mind to them, Cyro! I think your name is wonderful!"
 Iska's voice brimmed with sincerity as she reached out to comfort him.

── "Really?"
 Cyro's tone was tinged with disbelief, seeking reassurance in Iska's words.

── "Yes, really! I've read countless books, and your name holds a special meaning. It means 'Radiant Sun'! Isn't that incredible?"
 Iska's excitement bubbled over as she shared her discovery.

── "Well... that's... kind of cool, I guess... But... suns eventually die... since they're stars..."
 Cyro's voice faltered as tears streamed down his cheeks.

Iska's expression softened, her heart aching for her friend's pain.

── "Hmm... but hey, Cyro! Did you know what my name means?"
 She leaned in, hoping to lift his spirits.

── "Huh?"
 Cyro's confusion was palpable as he looked up at Iska.

── "My name means 'Spark'! So whenever your sun starts to fade, I'll be there to reignite your flame. We'll always shine bright together!"
 Iska's smile radiated warmth as she extended a hand of friendship to Cyro.

Last Stand.

 Cyro reached his breaking point, his body drained and wracked with pain. Perhaps this would be the moment he'd finally find peace. Amidst the chaos of battle, he heard his patron's voice calling out to him, urging him to press on and not succumb to unconsciousness.

── "I... I don't think I can go on," Cyro whispered, his voice strained with exhaustion. "My dear patron, will you grant me the peace of death this time...?"

 The patron remained silent, a silent witness to Cyro's plea. But deep down, Cyro knew the patron would never let him go. With a heavy heart, he uttered his final words:

── "Well then... Fuck you."

 With a sense of bitter resolve, Cyro severed the connection, cutting off the last tether that bound him to the relentless cycle of death and rebirth. As the conversation ended, a flicker of defiance burned within him, a small act of rebellion against the forces that sought to control him.


Iska/SakiFormer Best Friend

Iska is Cyro's childhood best friend and closest confidante. Their bond is forged through shared dreams and mutual support, and Cyro sees Iska/Saki as a source of strength and comfort in times of need.


Cyro shares a complex relationship with Saki. There is a sense of familiarity and unspoken connection between them that Cyro can't ignore. He is drawn to Saki's mysterious aura and finds himself longing to uncover the truth behind her.

CHARACTER NAMErelationship

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- Gazing Stars
- Studying Tactics
- Cleaning


- Nightmares
- Being Disturbed
- Feeling helpless


- Cyro became a licensed pilot at the remarkably young age of 16, showcasing his exceptional talent and dedication to his craft from a very early age.

- Known among his peers for his remarkable memory, Cyro has an uncanny ability to recall even the smallest details, making him a valuable asset in strategic planning and tactical maneuvers.

- Despite facing numerous challenges and even death, Cyro has always managed to persevere and rise again. His resilience in the face of adversity has earned him the respect and admiration of those around him.

- Cyro suffers from recurring nightmares of his own death, a consequence of the cloning process that preserved his talents but failed to erase the traumatic memories of his demise. These haunting dreams serve as a constant reminder of his mortality and the fragility of his existence.

- Despite his prowess in combat, Cyro longs for peace and respite from the endless cycle of violence and conflict. His ultimate goal is to find a way to break free from the clutches of the corporation and live out his days in tranquility.

- Cyro shares a deep and enduring bond with Iska, forged through years of shared dreams and mutual support. Their friendship has served as a guiding light in Cyro's darkest moments, providing him with strength and solace when he needed it most.

- Despite his own struggles, Cyro remains a symbol of hope and resilience for those around him. His unwavering determination to defy fate and carve out his own path inspires others to do the same, earning him the admiration and loyalty of many.


  • Reserved
    Cyro tends to be quiet and reserved, especially when it comes to expressing his emotions. He may keep his thoughts and feelings to himself, preferring to observe and analyze situations before speaking up.

  • Sensitive
    Despite his reserved nature, Cyro is sensitive and empathetic, particularly towards those he cares about. He may be deeply affected by the words and actions of others, especially if they are hurtful or insensitive.

  • Determined
    Cyro possesses a strong sense of determination and perseverance, especially when it comes to achieving his goals. He is willing to work hard and overcome obstacles in order to pursue his dreams, even in the face of adversity.

  • Reflective
    Cyro is introspective and contemplative, often spending time reflecting on his thoughts and experiences. He may be inclined to analyze situations from multiple perspectives, seeking deeper understanding and insight.

  • Loyal
    Cyro is fiercely loyal to those he cares about, particularly his childhood friend Iska. He may go to great lengths to support and protect them, even if it means putting himself at risk.

  • Insecure
    Due to past experiences of being bullied and teased, Cyro may struggle with feelings of insecurity and self-doubt. He may harbor doubts about his own abilities and worth, despite evidence to the contrary.

  • Caring
    Despite his own struggles, Cyro is caring and compassionate towards others, especially those who are vulnerable or in need of support. He may offer a listening ear or a comforting presence to those who are struggling.

  • Resilient
    Despite facing hardships and setbacks, Cyro demonstrates resilience and strength of character. He may bounce back from adversity with renewed determination and a steadfast resolve to keep moving forward.