


3 months, 12 days ago


Harlo grew up on the "brighter" side of Porshland. He is an only child to a mother and father, however, his mother left his family after having anxiety about raising a child and having a husband, so she ran off on her own. Harlo lived only with his dad beyond that point, and his aunt would visit every month or two to give Harlo some motherly love. His dad made a very good salary, so they were able to keep living in the home they had, though with only two people in the house, it seemed very empty.

As Harlo grew up and started making friends in middle school, he would frequently invite them over to make himself feel less lonely. Erz would stay over at Harlo's place all the time to escape babysitting duty. And Harlo would assist him in babysitting as well. Harlo remained very close friends with Erz throughout their childhood but had other friends like his classmates. 

Harlo became a very online child once he got his first real computer in his freshman year. He would play games online with Erz and watch streamers like Maz to make up for the lack of activity in his life. His dad eventually wanted to keep him off the electronics, encouraging him to try school clubs and such, but he instead just became more disappointed as he watched his son get too invested in technology. However, he got over it once he became passionate about programming and engineering.

Towards the later years of high school, Harlo was introduced to Lux through Erz, and they clicked very fast after realizing they had common interests. After graduation, Harlo moved to his own (smaller) apartment out by the sound, wanting a house that didn't feel as empty or overly large as the one he grew up in. His recent struggles have been in finding someone to date. But recently, he did manage to have a good conversation with a polite purple hyena at a bar he likes to visit.