


3 months, 15 days ago



NAME: Saki
AGE: 26

FRAME: SSC Mourning Cloak


Saki was trained as a pilot from a young age, driven by a passion for knowledge and a desire to protect her family. Warm and straightforward, having dreams of becoming top pilots. Graduating at 17, Saki's fate took a tragic turn when she lost her memory and identity in battle. Reborn as Saki through cloning, she serves her corporate overlords with mechanical precision, her true self buried beneath layers of amnesia and obedience. Despite her transformation, Saki harbors a deep longing to rediscover her past and reunite with her lost friend...


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Starry Promise.

── "Hey... I̸̡̛s̵͙͆k̶̩̅a̶̗̐... Do you think we'll always be best friends?"
 The boy's voice trembled as he gazed at the girl before him.

──"Of course! I'll always be your best friend!"
 Iska stood tall, her voice brimming with confidence and reassurance.

── "...Even if we're separated...? What if we never see each other again? I'm scared..."
 Tears welled up in the boy's eyes.

── "Hey, don't say that, C̵̼̈́y̷͓̿r̷̤͗o̷̟͠! If we ever part ways, we'll find each other again eventually! Let's make a star promise, then!"
 Iska pointed towards a distant star, her eyes filled with determination. They turned their gaze to the night sky, its canvas adorned with countless twinkling stars, and made their wish upon the brightest one.

── "I hope we'll always shine together, C̵̼̈́y̷͓̿r̷̤͗o̷̟͠!"
 Iska's words echoed into the vastness of the cosmos.

As Saki stirred from her slumber, the memory of the boy lingered in her mind, a distant yet comforting presence. Though she couldn't recall his face or name, the memory felt like a faint beacon of hope from a forgotten past. With a silent vow to someday reunite with the boy and reclaim her lost memories, Saki embarked on her journey of self-discovery, guided by the faint glimmer of starlight that illuminated her path.

Disoriented Destiny.

I̸̡̛s̵͙͆k̶̩̅a̶̗̐'s life took a devastating turn on the battlefield, where a fatal accident left her on the brink of death. In a desperate bid to preserve their best pilots, the corporation initiated a cloning process to bring Iska back to life. However, chaos ensued as the lab was invaded, causing the cloning machine to malfunction mid-process.

As I̸̡̛s̵͙͆k̶̩̅a̶̗̐ awoke during the turmoil, she found herself disoriented and confused. Her memories were a haze, lost in the chaos of the malfunctioning cloning machine. Yet, amidst the chaos, her instincts as a pilot remained intact, a faint glimmer of familiarity in the sea of uncertainty.

Her confusion only deepened as she was approached by invaders, their voices muffled by the haze of her disorientation. They debated whether to apprehend her, unsure if she was the target they sought. Iska could only watch with wide eyes, her mind struggling to grasp the reality of her situation.

── "Wait... she doesn't match the description of our target."
 One of the invaders remarked, consulting the file.

── "Where... where am I? Who are you?"
 I̸̡̛s̵͙͆k̶̩̅a̶̗̐'s voice quivered as she struggled to make sense of her surroundings.

The invaders, receiving orders from their superior, decided to escort Iska to their base for further evaluation. As she arrived at the base, Iska's confusion only grew, her head throbbing with pain as she attempted to recall her past.

── "Do you remember anything?"
 The superior inquired, his tone stern yet curious.

── "I... I only know I'm a pilot... I... "
 Her words faltered as a wave of dizziness washed over her.

── "Very well. For now, your name is Saki. Welcome to the corporation."
 The superior declared, ushering Iska into her new role as a member of their pilot team.



Despite her amnesia, Saki senses a vague familiarity with Cyro. However, her attempts to recall memories of their past together are met with searing pain, leaving her confused and disoriented. While Cyro's presence evokes a sense of curiosity in Saki, she remains indifferent to his attentiveness towards her.


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CHARACTER NAMErelationship

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- Reading Books
- Gazing Stars
- Singing


- Unpleasant Feelings
- Getting Hurt
- Dissociation


- Saki suffers from amnesia as a result of a cloning accident, which wiped her memories of her past life as I̸̡̛s̵͙͆k̶̩̅a̶̗̐. Despite this, she retains her exceptional piloting skills, hinting at the depth of her innate talent and abilities.

- Saki's appearance underwent a dramatic change during the cloning process, resulting in alterations to her hair color and eye pupils. This physical transformation serves as a constant reminder of the tumultuous events that led to her current identity as Saki.

-  Saki is plagued by fragmented memories of her past life, which manifest as fleeting glimpses of familiarity and longing. These memories evoke a sense of confusion and disorientation, driving Saki's quest for self-discovery and the truth behind her lost identity.

- Saki was recruited by the corporation following the cloning incident, where she was given the new identity of Saki and welcomed into their ranks as a pilot member. Despite her lack of memories, Saki's piloting prowess earns her recognition and respect within the organization.

- Saki's journey is defined by her quest for identity and self-discovery amidst the chaos of her new reality. Fueled by a desire to reclaim her lost memories and uncover the truth of her past, Saki embarks on a journey of introspection and redemption, guided by the faint glimmer of hope that lies within her fragmented memories.

- Saki finds herself torn between her allegiance to the corporation that gave her purpose and the mysteries of her forgotten past. As she navigates the complexities of her new life, Saki must confront the conflicting loyalties and moral dilemmas that arise, questioning where her true allegiance lies.

-  Saki's enigmatic persona and mysterious background make her a subject of intrigue and speculation among her peers. Despite her amnesia, Saki exudes an aura of quiet strength and determination, captivating those around her with her resilience and unwavering resolve.


  • Resilient
    Despite the challenges she faces, Saki demonstrates remarkable resilience in the face of adversity. Her ability to adapt to new situations and overcome obstacles reflects her inner strength and determination to survive.

  • Inquisitive
    Saki possesses a curious and inquisitive nature, driven by a desire to uncover the truth behind her lost memories and the mysteries of her past. She is not content to simply accept her circumstances but actively seeks answers and understanding.

  • Focused
    When it comes to her role as a pilot, Saki is intensely focused and driven. She approaches her duties with unwavering dedication and precision, striving for excellence in every mission she undertakes.

  • Reserved
    Saki tends to keep her emotions guarded, often maintaining a calm and composed exterior even in the face of turmoil. While she may struggle internally with her amnesia and identity crisis, she rarely lets her vulnerabilities show to others.

  • Independent
    Despite her amnesia, Saki is fiercely independent and self-reliant. She prefers to rely on her instincts and abilities rather than depending on others for support, viewing her journey of self-discovery as a personal quest that she must undertake alone.

  • Determined
    Once Saki sets her mind to something, she is unwavering in her determination to see it through. Whether it's uncovering the truth of her past or excelling in her duties as a pilot, she approaches every challenge with a steadfast resolve and unwavering commitment.

  • Complex
    Beneath her stoic exterior lies a complex and multifaceted individual, grappling with the conflicting emotions and uncertainties of her newfound identity. Saki's journey of self-discovery is fraught with internal struggles and moral dilemmas, adding depth and complexity to her character.