
4 months, 4 days ago

Basic Info


Zack Fletcher (Born as Ziro)








Zack is a demon and self-proclaimed “charming salesman”. He’s confident and outgoing which also makes him a little reckless. He’s also a bit of a jokester who doesn’t really take things very seriously. His hobbies include baking and music.

Zack was originally born in (unnamed demon realm) and lived there until he was 13. He didn’t have a good relationship with his parents. Back then he was more quiet, scared, and jumpy and thus was a target for bullying. During a fight with his dad, Zack accidentally teleported interdimensionally to Earth and stayed there. Originally stayed since he lacked the energy to go back, but once he could he didn’t want to see his parents again. He stole his jacket from a local clothing shop to hide among the humans. He had a human friend before Charlie named Anna who left him once she found out he was a demon. His business was originally selling baked goods, now he sells energy drinks. He developed an exaggerated confident persona to help with his business.

Was living in Charlie’s attic but was found out and adopted by her family shortly after bu. Since then, he’s been able to mellow out and live comfortably. Certain triggers can cause his trauma to resurface and he’ll freeze up and temporarily revert to the sad and afraid personality he once had.

His magic includes Telekinesis and Teleportation. Before homesick he thought telekinesis was levitation but eventually figured out that wasn’t the case.

Zack assumed that Allen hated him for the longest time because of his constant coldness. He kept trying to be friends with him, but they didn’t seem compatible. He thought it was completely hopeless after a fight, but then Allen revealed his complicated feelings, assuring him that he didn’t hate him. Quite the opposite, actually. Since then they were able to start over and build a new relationship.